    Lehrstuhl für Informatik VIII - Informationstechnik für Luft- und Raumfahrt

    Dr. Julian Rothe

    Research Assistant

    Department of Computer Science
    Aerospace Information Technology
    Emil-Fischer-Straße 70
    97074 Würzburg

    Tel.:  +49 931 31-88353


    Julian was born in Leipzig, Germany, in 1990. He received the B.Sc. degree in aerospace computer science and the M.Sc. degree in computer science from the University of Würzburg, Würzburg, in 2012 and 2016, respectively, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree. Since 2017, he has been a Research Assistant with the Department of Aerospace Information Technology, University of Würzburg. His research interests include advanced UAV control and swarm formation flight. He was leader of the MIDRAS Project, developing an autonomous cooperative UAV system that is capable of catching micro drones in mid-air with a net.


    2025[ to top ]
    • Delta- and Kalman-filter designs for multi-sensor pose estimation on spherical mobile mapping systems. Arzberger, Fabian; Schubert, Tim; Wiecha, Fabian; Zevering, Jasper; Rothe, Julian; Borrmann, Dorit; Montenegro, Sergio; Nüchter, Andreas. In Robotics Auton. Syst., 184, bl 104852. 2025.
    2023[ to top ]
    • Delta Filter -- Robust Visual-Inertial Pose Estimation in Real-Time: A Multi-Trajectory Filter on a Spherical Mobile Mapping System. Arzberger, F.; Wiecha, F.; Zevering, J.; Rothe, J.; Borrmann, D.; Montenegro, S.; Nüchter, A. In Proceedings of the 2023 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR ’23), bll 1–8. 2023.
    2022[ to top ]
    • Thrust Vector Observation for Force Feedback-Controlled UAVs. Werner, Lennart; Strohmeier, Michael; Rothe, Julian; Montenegro, Sergio. In Drones, 6(2), bl 49. MDPI AG, 2022.
    2020[ to top ]
    • Towards Self-Aware Multirotor Formations. Kaiser, Dennis; Lesch, Veronika; Rothe, Julian; Strohmeier, Michael; Spiess, Florian; Krupitzer, Christian; Montenegro, Sergio; Kounev, Samuel. In Computers, 9(7). MDPI, 2020.
    • Towards Self-Aware Multirotor Formations. Kaiser, Dennis; Lesch, Veronika; Rothe, Julian; Strohmeier, Michael; Spieß, Florian; Krupitzer, Christian; Montenegro, Sergio; Kounev, Samuel. In Comput., 9(1), bl 7. 2020.
    • A Modified Model Reference Adaptive Controller (M-MRAC) Using an Updated MIT-Rule for the Altitude of a UAV. Rothe, Julian; Zevering, Jasper; Strohmeier, Michael; Montenegro, Sergio. In Electronics, 9(7). 2020.
    2019[ to top ]
    • A concept for catching drones with a net carried by cooperative UAVs. Rothe, Julian; Strohmeier, Michael; Montenegro, Sergio. In SSRR, bll 126–132. IEEE, 2019.
    2018[ to top ]
    • Ultra-Wideband Based Pose Estimation for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Strohmeier, Michael; Walter, Thomas; Rothe, Julian; Montenegro, Sergio. In IEEE Access, 6, bll 57526–57535. 2018.