Institut für Informatik

Stephan Busch received Leonardo-da-Vinci-Price

Würzburg's Rotary president Thomas Schäfer and District Governor Berhard Fischenich congratulate Stephan Busch with the 11.000.-€ endorsed price during the celebration's on 21.5.2016 in the Neubaukirche of University Würzburg.

The SpaceMaster Stephan Busch (from pioneering round 1) received for his outstanding scientific research results on modular, flexible and robust pico-satellites the international Leonardo-da-Vinci-Price, supported by 10 European Rotary clubs (Amsterdam, Athen, Bussels, Dublin, Florence, London, Madrid, Tours, Wien, Würzburg). He coodinates today at the "Zentrum für Telematik" advanced formation flying of 4 pico-satellites within the ERC award "NetSat".

