Best Processor Award

Best Processor Award (Since 2000)
As part of the Embedded Processor Lab, the Best Processor Award is presented by Computer Engineering Group (Informatics XVII, former V). The aim of this competition is to encourage participants to independently improve or extend their design of the 32-bit RISC-V processor built during the lab in the Hardware category, and to realize a project in the Creative category that utilizes the built processor in the best possible way. As a reward for their additional effort, each winning group usually receives a certificate, a trophy, and a bottle of champagne.
After the retirement of Prof. Dr. Kolla, Prof. Dr. Jung started the Embedded Processor Lab again in Fall 2024/2025. From now on there will be two awards for the most sophisticated hardware and for the most creative project. The winners of the Best Processor Award 2025 are:
- Category Hardware: Christoph Jungmair, Gabriel Rittershofer, Lars Schikorr (Extension of TinyRV to support clang)
- Category Creative: Jan Feldmann, Fabian Siller, Nicolas Stadler (2D-Pixel-Game with an I2C Display)
The award ceremony took place on February 26, 2025. The winners received a certificate, the Best Processor AwardTM trophy and due to high inflation a bottle of crémant. The creative team hast the opportunity to build their project on a 130nm ASIC with TinyTapeout.
After a long break, there was finally a work to be awarded in one of the two categories again in 2017. The winner of the Best Processor Award 2017 is:
- Category Software: Lukas Beierlieb (Implementation of the game Game Of Life)
The award ceremony took place on June 8, 2017. The winner received a certificate and a bottle of champagne.
In 2013, there was again a work to be awarded in the software category. The winners of the Best Processor Award 2013 are:
- Category Software: Johannes Grohmann and Johannes Blum (Implementation of the game Minesweeper)
The award ceremony took place on April 17, 2013. The winners received a certificate and a bottle of champagne.
Due to the necessary procurement of new prototyping boards in the summer of 2009, a redesign of the RISC processor to be developed took place. Since the new hardware presented both alternatives in processor design as well as challenges regarding workflow and toolchain, a newly revised hardware lab started in the winter semester of 2009/10. It wasn't until 2012 that there was once again a work to be awarded, at least in the software category. The winners of the Best Processor Award 2012 are:
- Category Software: Emanuel Knapp and Christoph Sendner (Implementation of the game Space Invaders)
The award ceremony took place on March 12, 2012. The winners received a certificate and a bottle of champagne.
After a long break, there were finally works to be awarded in both categories again in 2009. The winners of the Best Processor Award 2009 are:
- Category Software: Ralf Beczkowiak and Hendrik Striepe (Implementation of the game Snake)
- Category Hardware: Jan Bühler and Erik Dilger (Development of a sound module)
The award ceremony took place on February 9, 2009. The winners received a certificate and a bottle of champagne.
After four consecutive years, no hardware extension could be awarded in 2006. However, there was once again an assembler program to be recognized. The winners of the Best Processor Award 2006 are:
- Category Software: Sebastian Goll and Philipp Neubeck (Implementation of a 3D-Labyrinth-Game)
The award ceremony took place on July 27, 2006. The winning team received a certificate and a bottle of champagne.
For the first time in 2005, prizes were awarded in both the hardware and software categories. The winners of the Best Processor Award 2005 are:
- Category Hardware: Michael Höfling (Extension with a multiplier/divider)
- Category Software: Matthias Kleffel (Implementation of the game Pacman)
The award ceremony took place on February 11, 2005. Both winners received certificates and each a magnum bottle of champagne.
Im Gegensatz zu den reinen Performanz-Wettbewerben der vergangenen Jahren entschied in diesem Jahr eine Jury (bestehend aus den Assistenten des Lehrstuhls) über die Prämierung. Dabei standen Technik, Originalität, Platzverbrauch und Ästhetik im Mittelpunkt.
Die Preisträger des Best Processor Awards 2003 sind:
- Platz 1: Thomas Kleffel, Markus Feineis
- Platz 2: Peter Dinges, Bastian Reisinger
- Platz 3: Daniel Käser, Detlef Horst Heyn
Die Prämierung fand am 7. Februar 2003 statt. Alle drei Gruppen erhielten Urkunden. Die Zweit- und Drittplatzierten erhielten ferner jeweils eine Flasche Sekt, die Erstplatzierten sogar eine Magnumflasche Sekt.
The winners of the Best Processor Award 2001 are:
- 1st place: Sebastian Bärhausen, Frank Zimmermann
- 2nd place: Christian Graiger, Alexander Pasztor
- 3rd place: Mathias Golombek, Dirk Dittert
The award ceremony took place on February 12, 2001. All three groups received certificates and a magnum bottle of champagne. In addition, the winners of the competition received an FPGA prototyping board, donated by ElCamino GmbH from Mainburg.
As part of the HaDes II hardware lab, the Best Processor Award of the Chair of Computer Science V was awarded for the first time in 2000. The competition criterion was the execution time of a given benchmark program, which had to be processed correctly and without setup/hold errors by the processor. In the case of equal performance, the size of the design was the deciding factor. The winners of the Best Processor Award 2000 are:
- Denis Worschow, Holger Heunisch (Fastest HaDes-II Processor)
- Tobias Hüllmandel, Marcel Baunach (Smallest fastest HaDes-II Processor) Jochen Behl,
- Andreas Hofmann (Second smallest fastest HaDes-II Processor)
The award ceremony took place on March 3, 2000.