Lehrstuhl für Informatik III


POCO: A framework for Pareto-Optimal Resilient Controller Placement


Article[ to top ]
  • Heuristic Approaches to the Controller Placement Problem in Large Scale SDN Networks. Lange, Stanislav; Gebert, Steffen; Zinner, Thomas; Tran-Gia, Phuoc; Hock, David; Jarschel, Michael; Hoffmann, Marco. In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management - Special Issue on Efficient Management of SDN and NFV-based Systems, 12(1), pp. 4–17. 2015.
Inproceedings[ to top ]
  • Specialized Heuristics for the Controller Placement Problem in Large Scale SDN Networks. Lange, Stanislav; Gebert, Steffen; Spoerhase, Joachim; Rygielski, Piotr; Zinner, Thomas; Kounev, Samuel; Tran-Gia, Phuoc. In International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 27). Ghent, Belgium, 2015.
  • Pareto-Optimal Resilient Controller Placement in SDN-based Core Networks. Hock, David; Hartmann, Matthias; Gebert, Steffen; Jarschel, Michael; Zinner, Thomas; Tran-Gia, Phuoc. In 25th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC). Shanghai, China, 2013.
Misc[ to top ]
  • POCO: A Framework for the Pareto-Optimal Resilient Controller Placement in SDN-based Core Networks. Hock, David; Gebert, Steffen; Hartmann, Matthias; Zinner, Thomas; Tran-Gia, Phuoc. Krakow, Poland, 2014, May.
  • POCO-PLC: Enabling Dynamic Pareto-Optimal Resilient Controller Placement in SDN Networks. Hock, David; Hartmann, Matthias; Gebert, Steffen; Zinner, Thomas; Tran-Gia, Phuoc. Toronto, Canada, 2014, April.


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This work has been performed in the framework of the CELTIC EUREKA project SASER-SIEGFRIED (Project ID CPP2011/2-5), and it is partly funded by the BMBF (Project ID 16BP12308). The authors alone are responsible for the content of the paper.

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