100GET-E3 R3G
100GET-E3 R3G

Project Team
Heads | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Phuoc Tran-Gia, Dr. Michael Menth, | |
Researchers | Michael Duelli | |
Students | Julian Ott, Vlad Singeorzan, Thilo Müller | |
Former Students | Christopher Pluntke, Eduard Weber, Xiao-Hua Qin, Anke Endler | |
Funded period | October 2007 - September 2010, October 2010 - December 2010 |
Data communication demands for more and more capacity. DSL access of 16 Mbit/s is common in Germany, 100 Mbit/s is already offered by some providers. Fiber access is state of the art in many countries of South-East Asia and tremendous traffic volumes are exchanged over fiber lines. This trend will continue over the next decade. The market is competitive such that Internet service providers (ISPs) need to provide high-quality services (high throughput, little delay, little jitter, high reliability) at low cost.
The CELTIC initiative brings together university researchers and business partners to jointly face this challenge. ADVA, Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, and Nokia-Siemens Networks are the main drivers each of them heading a group of university and small or medium enterprise partners. The Chair of Distributed Systems of the University of Wuerzburg is part of the subproject "100GET-E3: End-to-End Carrier-Grade Ethernet" led by Nokia-Siemens Networks and receives funding under the name "R3G: Routing, Grooming, Resilience, and Resource Management for Multilayer Networks".
The objective of the project 100GET is to provide a low-cost high-capacity solution for the network of the future. Two main objectives are addressed: the transmission of 100 Gbit/s and the provision of high-quality services at low cost. The project R3G focuses on the second aspect.
One of the main cost factors for ISPs are network components and among them IP routers are most expensive. Therefore, ISPs look for alternatives that are cheaper with respect to investment and operation cost. Enhanced Ethernet technology - the so-called Carrier Ethernet - seems to be a candidate to replace many IP routers within networks of ISPs. Therefore, international standardization bodies like IEEE or IETF push forward T-MPLS, VLAN XC, and PBB-TE/PBT.
The research of the University of Wuerzburg targets at the following issues. Cost savings can be obtained by keeping traffic in the optical domain as long as possible, using packet-switching capabilities of Carrier Ethernet nodes inside the network only when needed, and banning IP routers from the core. This is achieved by intelligent traffic grooming and routing that should make best use of the network resources. In addition, the reliability of the network is improved by cost-efficient protection switching and restoration mechanisms. To that end, optimization methods for the design and configuration of a future communication architecture are developed.
On the Web
- Collaborative research projects win Gold Excellence Award at Celtic-Plus Event 2011 (2011-03-30)
- Weltrekord in serieller Datenübertragung via Glasfaser – 10,2 Tbit/s oder 240 DVDs in einer Sekunde (2011-03-09)
- 100GET and all included sub-projects receive the Celtic Gold Award! (2011-03-02)
- Verizon links France and Germany with 100G Ethernet - Paris to Frankfurt backbone upgraded (2010-11-12)
- 100G-Technologie im Deutschen Forschungsnetz (DFN) (2010-09-14)
- Cisco schließt Übernahme von CoreOptics ab (2010-07-15)
- Standard für 100-GBit/s-Ethernet kommt gerade recht (2010-06-24)
- Glasfaserbetrieb mit 100 GBit/s auf einer Wellenlänge (2010-06-17)
- Optische 100-GBit/s-Übertragungstechnik in Silizium (2010-03-12)
- Datenturbo aus dem Labor (2010-03-09)
- Halbzeit für das 100GET-Projekt (2009-07-20)
- Stauwarnung für den Transatlantik-Datenverkehr (2009-06-24)
- Cisco: Verfünffachung des Internet-Verkehrs bis 2013 (2009-06-16)
- Juniper bringt erste 100-GE-Schnittstelle für Enterprise-Router (2009-06-09)
- 100-Gigabit-Ethernet zeigt sich tauglich für die Praxis (2008-07-07)
- 100GET-E3 Project Leaflet (PDF) (2008-06-20)
- Spiegel.de: Article on the use of holograms for future, economic communication (2008-01-21)
- Celtic Press Release: More bandwidth and security for the Internet, New Celtic project 100GET develops 100 Gigabit Ethernet (2008-01-11)
- BMBF Pressemitteilung: "Europäische Innovationsallianz für das Internet der Zukunft gestartet" (2007-12-11)
- Spiegel.de: Article on the Possible Collapse of the Internet in 2010 (2007-11-21)
Greedy Design of Resilient Multi-Layer Networks. . 6th Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI 2010), Paris, France, 2010, June 4.
Greedy Design of Resilient Multi-Layer Networks. . In 6th Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI 2010). Paris, France, 2010.
Deferring CAPEX Investments in Multi-Layer Networks through IP Traffic-Dependent Expansion Stages. . In 11. ITG-Fachtagung Photonische Netze, pp. 133–138. Leipzig, Germany, 2010.
Network Planning, Control and Management Perspectives on Dynamic Networking. . In European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC). Vienna, Austria, 2009.
CAPEX-Aware Design of Survivable DWDM Mesh Networks. . In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). Dresden, Germany, 2009.
A Generic Algorithm for CAPEX-Aware Multi-Layer Network Design. . 10. ITG-Fachtagung Photonische Netze, Leipzig, Germany, 2009, May 5.
A Generic Algorithm for CAPEX-Aware Multi-Layer Network Design. . In 10. ITG-Fachtagung Photonische Netze, pp. 167–174. Leipzig, Germany, 2009.
Performance Evaluation of IP over Cost-Optimized Optical Multilayer Networks with SRLGs. . 9. ITG-Fachtagung Photonische Netze, Leipzig, Germany, 2008, April 28.
Performance Evaluation of IP over Cost-Optimized Optical Multilayer Networks with SRLGs. . In 9. ITG-Fachtagung Photonische Netze, pp. 21–29. Leipzig, Germany, 2008.
Minimizing Installation Costs of Survivable DWDM-Mesh Networks: A Heuristic Approach. . In 4th Euro-NGI Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI 2008), pp. 15–22. Krakow, Poland, 2008.
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