Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.1Q Time-Sensitive Networking Transmission Selection Algorithms (ATS Performance)

Partner | Siemens Predevelopment Nürnberg |
Funded period | Since June 2018 |
Researcher | Dr. Florian Metzger Alexej Grigorjew M. Sc. |
Project Description
The IEEE standard 802.1Q is under further development, and the Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) working group is regularly extending the specification in order to enhance predictable data transmission via Ethernet in LANs. In the project “ATS-Performance”, the Chair of Communication Networks of the University of Würzburg and SIEMENS Predevelopment Nürnberg investigate performance characteristics of various such extensions with a special focus on novel Transmission Selection Algorithms for time-critical traffic. These evaluations are mainly based on formal investigations and simulation.
Figure: Sources of delay in switches