Dr. rer. nat. Dominik Klein

Oct 2000 - Mar 2005
Wireless LAN performance studies in the context of 4G networks
2014[ to top ]
Second Interim Report for the DFG Project FunkOFDMA. Technical Report (489), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2014.
Design and Evaluation of Components for Future Internet Architectures. . 2014, February.
2013[ to top ]
Evaluation of Video Quality Monitoring based on Pre-computed Frame Distortions. . In 19th EUNICE Workshop on Advances in Communication Networking, Best Paper Award. Chemnitz, Germany, 2013.
Aktuelles Schlagwort: Big Data. . In Informatik-Spektrum, 36, pp. 319–323. 2013.
Video Quality Monitoring based on Precomputed Frame Distortions. . In IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Experience Centric Management (QCMan). Ghent, Belgium, 2013.
Big Data: Definition und Stand der Entwicklung. . Datev Trendscout, Nürnberg, 2013, April 15.
An OpenFlow Extension for the OMNeT++ INET Framework. . 6th International Workshop on OMNeT++, Cannes, France, 2013, March 5.
An OpenFlow Extension for the OMNeT++ INET Framework. . In 6th International Workshop on OMNeT++. Cannes, France, 2013.
Global Locator, Local Locator, and Identifier Split (GLI-Split). . In Future Internet, 5, pp. 67–94. 2013.
2012[ to top ]
User-Centric Network-Application Interaction for Live HD Video Streaming. . In 4th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2012). Hamburg, Germany, 2012.
Modeling and Evaluation of Address Resolution Scalability in VPLS. . In IEEE ICC 2012 - Next-Generation Networking Symposium. Ottawa, Canada, 2012.
Modeling and Evaluation of Address Resolution Scalability in VPLS. . Ottawa, Canada, 2012, June.
Integration of LISP and LISP-MN into INET. . 5th International OMNeT++ Workshop held in conjuntion with Simutools 2012, Desenzano, Italy, 2012, March 23.
Integration of LISP and LISP-MN into INET. . In 5th International Workshop on OMNeT++, pp. 299–306. Desenzano, Italy, 2012.
2011[ to top ]
A Subscription Model for Time-Scheduled Data Transfers. . 12th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, Dublin, Ireland, 2011, May 23.
A Subscription Model for Time-Scheduled Data Transfers. . In 12th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2011). Dublin, Ireland, 2011.
A Subscription Model for Time-Scheduled Data Transfers. . EuroNF Plenary Meeting, Soccer Stadium Kaiserslautern, 2011, June 29.
Performance of Concurrent Multipath Transmissions - Measurements and Model Validation. . In Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI). Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2011.
Evaluating OpenFlow Performance using Queueing Models. . Berlin, Germany, 2011, November.
2010[ to top ]
NAT Traversal for LISP Mobile Node. . ACM CoNEXT workshop Re-Architecting the Internet (ReArch), Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2010, November 30.
Neue Ansätze für Massendatentransfer. . Datev Trendscout, Nürnberg, 2010, December 2.
NAT Traversal for LISP Mobile Node. . In ACM CoNEXT workshop Re-Architecting the Internet (ReArch). Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2010.
Improvements to LISP Mobile Node. . 22nd International Teletraffic Congress (ITC22), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2010, September 7.
Improvements to LISP Mobile Node. . In 22nd International Teletraffic Congress (ITC). Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2010.
Improvements to LISP Mobile Node Including NAT Traversal. . Würzburg, Germany, 2010, August.
Measurement-based Topology and Performance Investigations of D-A-CH Research Networks. Technical Report (473), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2010.
Improvements to LISP Mobile Node. . 2010, June.
Global Locator, Local Locator, and Identifier Split (GLI-Split). Technical Report (470), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2010.
2009[ to top ]
Global Locator, Local Locator, and Identifier Split (GLI-Split). . Würzburg, Germany, 2009, July.
2008[ to top ]
Future Internet Routing: Motivation and Design Issues. . In it - Information Technology, 50(6). 2008.