Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Köhler

Jan 1998 - Jul 2003
Interior Gateway Routing Optimization and Quality of Service - Algorithms and Performance Study
2011[ to top ]
COntrol and Management of COexisting Networks (COMCON). . San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2011, March.
2010[ to top ]
COMCON: Use Cases for Virtual Future Networks. . In TridentCom 2010. Berlin, 2010.
2006[ to top ]
Interior Gateway Routing Optimization and Quality of Service - Algorithms and Performance Study. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), . . PhD dissertation. University of Wuerzburg, 2006, February.
2003[ to top ]
MPLS Traffic Engineering in OSPF Networks - A combined Approach. . In 18th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC18). Berlin, 2003.
MPLS Traffic Engineering in OSPF Networks - A combined Approach. Technical Report (304), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2003.
2002[ to top ]
Routing-based IP Network Optimisation. . In 15th International Teletraffic Congress Specialists Seminar. Würzburg, 2002.
Decomposition of Large IP Networks for Routing Optimization. Technical Report (293), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2002.
2001[ to top ]
Analytic Performance Evaluation of the RED Algorithm for QoS in TCP/IP Networks. . In 9th IFIP Working Conference on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM & IP Networks, pp. 178–190. Budapest, Hungary, 2001.
2000[ to top ]
Measuring internet user traffic behavior dependent on access speed. . In ITC Specialist Seminar on IP Traffic Measurement, Modeling and Management. Monterey, CA, USA, 2000.
Fast heuristics for optimal routing in large IP networks. Technical Report (262), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2000.
Analytic Performance Evaluation of the RED Algorithm for QoS in TCP/IP Networks. Technical Report (259), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2000.
Towards an optimization of the routing parameters for IP networks. Technical Report (258), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2000.
The Dependence of Internet User Characteristics on Access Speed. Technical Report (246), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2000.
1999[ to top ]
Measuring Internet User Traffic Behavior Dependent on Access Speed. Technical Report (238), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1999.
Performance Comparison of Different Class-and-Drop Treatment of Data and Acknowledgements in DiffServ IP Networks. Technical Report (237), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1999.
Possibilities for QoS in existing Internet Routing Protocols. Technical Report (228), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1999.