Prof. Dr. Tobias Hoßfeld

Telefon | (0931) 31-86631 |
Telefax | (0931) 31-86632 | (private) | |
Raum | A211 |
Anschrift | Chair of Communication Networks (Informatik III) Am HublandD-97074 Würzburg |
- Gaming in the clouds: QoE and the users’ perspective. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2013
- A survey on quality of experience of HTTP adaptive streaming, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2014
- Modeling the YouTube stack: From packets to quality of experience, Computer Networks (2016)
- Analysis of Skype VoIP traffic in UMTS: End-to-end QoS and QoE measurements,Computer Networks, 2008
- Analysis of Group-Based Communication in WhatsApp, International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management, 2015.
- Fundamental Relationships for Deriving QoE in Systems, QoMEX 2019
- QoE beyond the MOS: an in-depth look at QoE via better metrics and their relation to MOS, Quality and User Experience, 2016
- A new QoE fairness index for QoE management, Quality and User Experience, 2018
- A generic quantitative relationship between quality of experience and quality of service, IEEE Network, 2010
- Active Learning for Crowdsourced QoE Modeling, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2018
- Modeling of aggregated IoT traffic and its application to an IoT cloud, Proceedings of the IEEE, 2019
- Modeling of Traffic Flows in the Internet of Things Using Renewal Approximation, Advances in Optimization and Decision Science for Society, Services and Enterprises, 2019
- A simple wifi hotspot model for cities, IEEE Communications Letters, 2015
- Visions and challenges for sensor network collaboration in the cloud, Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, 2014
- Model-Based Performance Predictions for SDN-Based Networks: A Case Study, MMB 2020
- Highlighting the Gap Between Expected and Actual Behavior in P4-enabled Networks. IFIP/IEEE IM (2019).
- KOMon—Kernel-based Online Monitoring of VNF Packet Processing Times, NetSys 2019
- SDN-enabled energy-efficient network management, Wiley 2015
- Interfaces, attributes, and use cases: A compass for SDN, IEEE Communications Magazine, 2014
- Modeling of Modern Router Architectures Supporting Network Virtualization, IEEE Globecom, 2009
- Service oriented network framework enabling global QoS and network virtualization, ITC Specialist Seminar, 2009
- GTP-based load model and virtualization gain for a mobile network's GGSN, IEEE ICCE, 2014
- A Simulation of Asynchronous Traffic Shapers in Switched Ethernet Networks, NetSys 2019
- Per-Hop Bridge-Local Latency Bounds with Strict Priority Transmission Selection." 2020 IFIP Networking Conference (Networking).
- Bridge-Local Guaranteed Latency with Strict Priority Scheduling, University of Würzburg and Siemens AG 2020
- Asynchronous Traffic Shaping with Jitter Control, University of Würzburg and Siemens AG 2020
- Is the Uplink Enough? Estimating Video Stalls from Encrypted Network Traffic, IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2020
- A survey of emerging concepts and challenges for QoE management of multimedia services, ACM TOMM 2018
- Towards Machine Learning-Based Optimal HAS, arXiv:1808.08065v1, 2018
- Active learning for crowdsourced QoE modeling, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2018
- The memory effect and its implications on Web QoE modeling, ITC23 2011
- Highlighting the Gap Between Expected and Actual Behavior in P4-enabled Networks, IFIP/IEEE IM 2019
- Application of Visual Analysis to Detect and Analyze Patterns in VoIP Attack Traffic, IEEE Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications 2018
- On pollution in eDonkey-like peer-to-peer file-sharing networks, MMB 2006
- Incentives, Overlays, and Economic Traffic Control, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010
- Challenges of QoE management for cloud applications, IEEE Communications Magazine, 2012
- A survey of emerging concepts and challenges for QoE management of multimedia services, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), 2018
- Softwarization and caching in NGN, Computer Networks, 2017
- Interaction patterns between P2P content distribution systems and ISPs, IEEE Communications Magazine, 2011
- Caching for bittorrent-like P2P systems: A simple fluid model and its implications, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2011
- Impact of vertical handovers on cooperative content distribution systems, IEEE P2P 2007
- GTP-based load model and virtualization gain for a mobile network's GGSN, IEEE ICCE, 2014.
- Angry apps: The impact of network timer selection on power consumption, signalling load, and web qoe, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, 2013
- Evaluation in the Crowd, Book, Springer 2015
- Anatomy of a crowdsourcing platform-using the example of microworkers. com, IEEE IMIS 2011
- Best practices for QoE crowdtesting: QoE assessment with crowdsourcing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2013
- Modeling of crowdsourcing platforms and granularity of work organization in future internet, ITC 23, 2011
- Discrete-Time Analysis of the Blockchain Distributed Ledger Technology, ITC 31, 2019
- Performance evaluation of backhaul bandwidth aggregation using a partial sharing scheme, Physical Communication, 2016
- On the computation of entropy production in stationary social networks, Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2014
- Performance Evaluation of Future Internet Applications and Emerging User Behavior, PhD thesis, 2009
- Application of Visual Analysis to Detect and Analyze Patterns in VoIP Attack Traffic, IEEE TrustCom/BigDataSE, 2018
- Crowdsourced network measurements: Benefits and best practices, Computer Networks, 2015
- Characterization of BitTorrent swarms and their distribution in the Internet, Computer Networks, 2011
- Internet video delivery in YouTube: From traffic measurements to quality of experience, Data Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, 2013