English Intern
Lehrstuhl für Informatik III

Viktoria Vomhoff M. Sc.

Telefon (0931) 31-80950
Telefax (0931) 31-86632
E-Mail viktoria.vomhoff@uni-wuerzburg.de
Raum A209


Lehrstuhl für Informatik III
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg

Betreute Vorlesungen

  • Rechnernetze und Informationsübertragung (RIÜ) (WS22/23)
  • Leistungsbewertung verteilter Systeme (LBVS) (SS24)

Betreute Seminare

  • Seminar on Introduction to 5G: Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGN) (SS24)
    → 5G Signaling: Connecting Devices to the Internet
  • Seminar on Current Evolutions of Future Internet structures (NGN) (WS23/24)
    → AS-Path Prepending: there is no rose without a thorn
  • Seminar on Current Evolutions of Future Internet structures (NGN) (SS23)
    → Predicting High Delays in Mobile Broadband Networks
  • Seminar on Current Evolutions of Future Internet structures (NGN) (WS22/23)
    → Identify IoT Devices from Backbone Networks Using Lightweight Neural Networks
  • Seminar on Current Evolutions of Future Internet structures (NGN) (SS22)
    → Hands on with Tinkerforge Sensors: Showcase, Technical Background and Networking
  • Seminar on New Trends and Current Evolutions of Cloud and Internet Applications (CAN) (WS21/22)
    → Generation, measurement, and modeling of IoT traffic 
    → Network slicing by use of unsupervised Machine Learning

Betreute Abschlussarbeiten

  • Blumenröder, J. (2024). Towards Energy-Efficient IoT: Performing and Characterizing Measurements of Energy Consumption and QoS Across Different RATs and Applications (1–) [Master thesis]. University of Wuerzburg.
  • Matti, S. (2024). Design and Development of a Reliable Autonomous Measurement Platform for Multi-Radio Access Technology Evaluation and QoS Measurements (1–) [Master thesis]. University of Wuerzburg.
  • Sichermann, M. (2023). Analyzing Delays in Mobile Roaming: Towards Understanding the Global IPX Network (1–) [Master thesis]. University of Wuerzburg.
  • Karsai, C. (2023). Automated Detection of Operator Outages based on Mobile Signalling Data (1–) [Master thesis]. University of Wuerzburg.
  • Simonovski, F. (2023). Measurement Study of the Performance and Energy Efficiency of an IoT-Edge-Cloud in Kubernetes (1–) [Master thesis]. University of Wuerzburg.