
Telefon | (0931) 31-88229 |
Telefax | (0931) 31-86632 |
frank.loh@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de | |
Raum | A207 |
Anschrift | Lehrstuhl für Informatik III |
Contents: Publications | Teaching | Working Group | Projects |
- WS2021: Rechnernetze und Informationsübertragung
- WS2019: Steuerungsprinzipien moderner Kommunikationssysteme
- SS2018: Simulationstechnik
Supervised Theses
- Markus Ebner A Simulative Energy Efficiency Study of LoRaWAN Deployments
- Noah Mehling: Network Planning for LoRaWAN: A Simulative Performance Evaluation
- Eric Zischka: Simulative Energy Consumption and Efficiency Study for LoRaWAN Gateway Placements
- Leon Höpfel: Assessment of Cellular Network Quality in the Bavarian Road System based on Crowdsourced Measurements
- Johannes Schleicher: Measurement based Evaluation of an Automated Production Part Control with a myCobot Robot
- Carina Baur: Testbed Establishment with an Arduino Robot
- Yannick Pfeiffer: Simulative Collision Study for Different Channel Access Approaches in LoRaWAN
- Noah Mehling: Analyzing Graph Centrality Metrics for LoRaWAN Gateway Placement
- Carina Baur: Cluster-Based Gateway Placement and Simulative Performance Study in LoRaWAN
- Kathrin Hildebrand: Machine Learning Based Prediction of Quality Metrics for Twitch.tv Live Streaming
- Markus Ebner: Design and Proof-of-Concept Implementation of a Smartphone-based Network Management Agent
- Noah Mehling: Request-based Buffer Prediction in HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming
- David Raunecker: Modification and Extension of a Tool for Video Streaming Measurements to include Netflix Data
- Maria Andreea Mihuta: Simulative Multi-Channel Transmission Study for LoRaWAN Messages
- Danny Easton: Simulative Performance Study of Listen before Talk Approaches for LoRaWAN
- Johannes Jungkunst: Network Level Identification and Analysis of Live Streaming Flows of Twitch.tv
- Philipp Jung: Studying the Application Behavior of Twitch.tv Live Streaming
- Noah Mehling: Simulative Performance Study of Slotted ALOHA for LoRaWAN Channel Access
- Kester Schuster: Quality Prediction of Mobile YouTube Video Streaming using Uplink Requests
- Philipp König: Study of the LoRaWAN Simulation Framework FLoRa
- Filip Simonovski: Prototype Implementation of an Open Data City Platform with dkan and Node-Red
- Johannes Schleicher: Evaluation of Different Approaches for Video-Based Traffic Counting
- Bernd Zeidler: Development and Application of an Automated Streaming Application Measurement Tool
- David Raunecker: Uplink-Request based StallingPrediction from YouTube App Traffic via Machine Learning
- Fabian Poignée: Machine Learning Approach to Predict Video Streaming Behavior at Network Layer
- Lukas Tönsing: Prediction of YouTube’s Chunk Request from Monitored Encrypted Network Traffic
- Shpend Berani: Studying the Initial Delay of the Mobile YouTube App
- Michael Morell: Traffic Measurement Study for Real-Time Video Streaming with a Remote Controllable Drone
- Filip Simonovski: Studying the Video Segmentation for different Streaming Platforms
- Ferdinand Leidinger: Studying the Initial Delay of the YouTube Mobile App with TensorFlow
- Ramadan Shweiki: Traffic Profile of a Remote Controllable Drone
- Fabian Poignée: Influence of Tension on QoE in Video Streaming
- Fabian Schaible: Data Traffic Assessment of the Google Home and Amazon Echo Dot
- Viktoria Vomhoff: Traffic Measurement Study of the Amazon Echo Show
WS 2023/24
- Carina Baur: Effort in QoE Degradation Prediction
SS 2023
- Simon Bosch: Quality of Information in IoT Networks
WS 2022/23
- Carina Baur: Studying the Energy Efficiency In LoRaWAN Transmissions
- Shifa Ali: Quality of Service Assessment in the Internet of Things
SS 2022
- Eric Zischka: Real Time Video-based Object Detection in an Industry 4.0 Context
WS 2021/22
- Moritz Finke: Real-Time Communication of Augmented Reality in Industry 4.0
- Markus Ebner: Collision Avoidance and Decoding Mechanisms in LoRaWAN
SS 2021
- Johannes Jungkunst: Low Latency Live Streaming in DASH
- Yannick Pfeiffer: LoRaWAN Channel Access - Comparison of Random Access, Slotted, and CSMA
WS 2020/21
- Noah Mehling: Smart City Sensors and Architectures
- Andreea Mihuta: LPWAN and LoRaWAN
SS 2020
- Safa Matti: Usability of Fog and Cloud Architectures in Smart Cities
- Simon Trapp: Quality of Experience Prediction for Live Video Streaming
WS 2019/20
- Lukas Petzi: Analysis of the Scalability of LoRa Networks
- Maximilian Gerhard: Analysis of a Fog Computing Architecture Network for Smart City
SS 2019
- Simon Raffeck: LoRa with CSMA: Performance and Energy Efficiency
- David Raunecker: Machine Learning Approaches for Quality of Experience Prediction in Encrypted HTTP Adaptive Streaming
- Tobias Knapp: Stalling Detection and Prediction in HTTP Adaptive Streaming
- Lukas Tönsing: Analysing Adaptive Wide Area Streaming
- Marvin Ewald: Adaptive Video Streaming from Unmanned aerial vehicles
- Thomas Hadgu: QoE Monitoring for Encrypted Traffic
- Sebastian Kempf: Internet of Things: From Cloud to Edge Cloud
- Sven Elflein: Energy Management of Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Manuel Wolz: Live Migration of Cloud Services
- Alexander Hartelt: From Smart Home to Smart City: Current Research Topics in the Internet of Things