Simon Raffeck M. Sc.

Telefon | (0931) 31-86488 |
Telefax | (0931) 31-86632 | | |
Raum | A208 |
Anschrift | Lehrstuhl für Informatik III Am Hubland D-97074 Würzburg |
2024[ to top ]
Time-Sensitive Networking over the Air: Combining 5G and TSN. . In WueWoWAS’24 KuVS Fachgespraech - Wuerzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks. 2024.
Studying Slot Assignment for Multi-Gateway Time Scheduled Channel Access in LoRaWan. . In 2024 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking). Thessaloniki, Greece, 2024.
Plan the Access? Generic Hardware Independent Energy Consumption and Efficiency Model for Different LoRaWAN Channel Access Approaches. . In IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2024.
2023[ to top ]
Towards Understanding the Signaling Traffic in 5G Core Networks. . In KuVS Fachgespräch - Würzburg Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Next-Generation Communication Networks 2023. 2023.
Paving the Way for an Energy Efficient and Sustainable Future Internet of Things. . In KuVS Fachgespräch - Würzburg Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Next-Generation Communication Networks 2023. 2023.
NB-IoT vs. LTE-M: Measurement Study of the Energy Consumption of LPWAN Technologies. . In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). 2023.
DBM: Decentralized Burst Mitigation for Periodic LoRa Devices using Self-Organizing Radio Access. . In ICC 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. 2023.
2022[ to top ]
Generic Model to Quantify Energy Consumption for Different LoRaWAN Channel Access Methods. . In 18th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob). 2022.
DBM: Decentralized Burst Mitigation for Self-Organizing LoRa Deployments. . In KuVS Fachgespräch - Würzburg Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Next-Generation Communication Networks 2022. 2022.
Analytical Model for the Energy Efficiency in Low Power IoT Deployments. . In 1st International Workshop on Network Energy Efficiency in the Softwarization Era. 2022.
Data Usage in IoT: A Characterization of GTP Tunnels in M2M Mobile Networks. . In 2nd IFIP/IEEE International workshop on Fully-Flexible Internet Architectures and Protocols for the Next-Generation Tactile Internet (FlexNGIA). 2022.
Anonymized GTP Tunnel Trace in Mobile IoT. . 2022, February.
2021[ to top ]
Improving LoRaWAN’s Successful Information Transmission Rate with Redundancy. . In 17th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob). 2021.
2018[ to top ]
Benchmarking the ONOS Controller with OFCProbe. . In 7th International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE). Hue, Vietnam, 2018.