6th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint EuroNGI and ITG Workshop on "Visions of Future Generation Networks"
July 31st - August 1st 2006
Submission of Abstracts for Technical Presentations
May 21st 2006: submission of an abstract by email: title of the talk and abstract, max. 1 page
June 9th 2006: notification of acceptance
July 7th 2006: submission of the presentation by email: slides of the talk in pdf- or ps-format together with the abstract and short CV in text format; the slides and the abstract will be put online.
July 7th 2006: registration per email: name, surname, title, email adress, and affiliation
Registration: July 31st 9:00 am; the registration fee will be charged with the registration at the workshop and amounts to 100,- Euro. Members of institutions participating in EuroNGI will be free of charge.
Begin: July 31st 2006, 9:30 am
End: August 1st 2006, 6 pm
Social event: July 31st 2006, 8 - 11 pm.
Dr. Michael Menth Lehrstuhl f�r Informatik III Universit�t W�rzburg Am Hubland 97074 W�rzburg
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