This lecture gives an overview of databases. This includes among other topics:
- Theory and practice of relational database systems, including layer architecture
- Modelling using ER-diagrams
- Functional dependencies
- Normalisation
- Armstrong Axioms
- Relational calculus and its realisation in SQL
The WueCampus course can be found at:
- Lecture:
Tuesday, 14:15 - 15:45
First lecture date: 03.11
Zoom Link:
or via Meeting ID: 985 2742 2377 and password: 595950 - Tutorial 1:
Wednesday, 16:00 - 18:00 - Tutorial 2:
Thursday, 10:00 - 12:00 - Tutorial 3:
Thursday, 12:00 - 14:00
Registration for the lecture is not necessary.
In order to take the exam, you must register for the exam via WueStudy. You will receive all further information via our WueCampus course.
Lectures and exercises will probably be held via Zoom. Further information will be given in the first lecture.
Contact person: Prof. Andreas Hotho and Tobias Koopmann