Presenting KeBERT4Rec at KI2020
22.09.2020Today we're presenting our paper "Integrating Keywords into BERT4Rec for Sequential Recommendation" at the KI2020.
MehrToday we're presenting our paper "Integrating Keywords into BERT4Rec for Sequential Recommendation" at the KI2020.
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MehrOur paper "Integrating Keywords into BERT4Rec for Sequential Recommendation" (KeBERT4Rec) was recently accepted at the KI2020 conference. In our approach, we enrich the BERT4Rec architecture used for sequential recommendation with keywords as a way to incorporate information about the items. Our paper will be presented at the KI2020 and published in the proceedings.
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In this cooperative work between the Data Science chair and the chair of Human-Computer-Interaction, we present an approach of incorporating biofeedback features derived from heart rate and brain waves signals. The biofeedback data was recorded from “Humans-in-the-Loop” to improve machine learning models on the tasks of sentiment analysis and sentiment detection.