Our recent ICCV paper "Do Different Deep Metric Learning Losses Lead to Similar Learned Features?" is currently trending on the AI research discovery platform deepai.org.
MehrOur recent ICCV paper "Do Different Deep Metric Learning Losses Lead to Similar Learned Features?" is currently trending on the AI research discovery platform deepai.org.
MehrDas #Verkehrsministerium unterstützt das #P-BIM Projekt zur KI-gestützten Brückenüberwachung. Projektstart ist der 01.09.2022. Mit dem Projekt sollen Brückenzustände auf smarte Art und Weise ermittelt und Schäden frühzeitig erkannt werden.
MehrIn our project we4bee, we detected two main air pressure waves in Germany from the Tonga eruption. One from north to south, the second one a few hours later from south to north. We visualized pressure differences for our top bar hive for both waves and interpolated isobares from all locations in Germany.
MehrThe proceedings of our Shared Task on Scene Segmentation are now available from ceur-ws: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3001
MehrViel zu früh verstarb unser Freund und Kollege Daniel Zoller am 05.10.21 nach schwerer Krankheit.
MehrAuf dem gemeinsamen Symposium zum Thema "Mensch - Recht - Digitalisierung" des Oberlandesgericht Bamberg und der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg in der Neubaukirche hielt heute auch Prof. Dr. Andreas Hotho einen Vortrag mit dem Thema "Künstliche Intelligenz im (Un-)Recht?"
MehrIn our paper, we introduce a large dataset of in-game item purchase logs from the MOBA game Dota 2 and evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art sequential item recommendation algorithms for helping users to correctly itemize during a game.
MehrOur paper "CoBERT: Scientific Collaboration Prediction via Sequential Recommendation" has been accepted at the Second International Workshop on Neural Recommender Systems @ ICDM-21.
MehrOur paper “Learning Mathematical Relations Using Deep Tree Models” has been accepted at IEEE ICMLA 2021 special session “Machine Learning for Graphs”.