Our workshop paper "Detecting Presence Of Speech In Acoustic Data Obtained From Beehives" got accepted at the DCASE21 (Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events) and will be presented in November this year
MehrNews - Data Science Chair

We analyze the learned features of models trained with different deep metric learning loss functions on two scales (pixel and image property level) and find that ranking and classification based loss functions tend to differ significantly.
MehrThe paper "Comparison of Transformer-Based Sequential Product Recommendation Models for the Coveo Data Challenge" is our contribution to the Coveo Data Challenge organized by the e'Com Workshop at the SIGIR 21.
Our case study on sampling strategies for evaluating neural sequential item recommendation models has been accepted for publication at RecSys 2021.
MehrOur paper "Semi-unsupervised Learning: An In-depth Parameter Analysis" got accepted for publication at "KI2021".
MehrDas Staatliche Bauamt Würzburg hat einen Kurzfilm gedreht, der den aktuellen Stand auf der ZPD Baustelle dokumentiert und interessante Informationen zu den wissenschaftlichen Inhalten und zur architektonischen Umsetzung dieses spannenden Forschungsbaus der JMU vermittelt.
The article will be published in Springer's Machine Learning journal in the ECMLPKDD 2021 special issue.
MehrBeeConnected KickOff
09.06.2021The EU-project BeeConnected had its official KickOff-Meeting today. This trilateral (Germany, France, Greece) project is focused on analysing honey bee mortality using smart beehives. We are very proud to be part of this exciting project and contribute to another research branch exploring bee behaviour. We are happy to share our knowledge gained in our other bee-related projects. For more details visit https://www.ictagrifood.eu/node/44639.
MehrRSS Feed Test
01.06.2021Dies ist der Teaser
MehrMozart Genom App veröffentlicht
Unser Projekt "Mozart Genom" widmet sich mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz der Frage, was Kompositionen von Komponisten wie Mozart so besonders macht. Ab sofort ist die mit Studenten entwickelte App verfügbar und kann online ausprobiert werden.