Digitalisierungszentrum Präzisions- und Telemedizin (DZ.PTM)

This project serves to gradually establish the structure of the Digitalisierungszentrums Präzisions- und Telemedizin (DZ.PTM) Würzburg – Bad Kissingen as a virtual centre spread over three locations: the University Hospital, the University of Würzburg, and the ZTM in Bad Kissingen. These locations are designated to develop, test and implement digitisation projects across Bavaria to support patient care and research.
The infrastructure to be set up will be used to implement a pilot project for knowledge-based service management in radiology. The project targets to reduce workload for physicians and to improve the quality of treatment with a focus on patients with rare diseases. In addition, the pilot project promotes the development of a Testbed for the early development and testing of digitisation projects in the health care sector.
The DZ.PTM will also cooperate closely with the funding measure “BASE-Net” (electronic patient file of the Bavarian Centers for Rare Diseases) under the leadership of the University Clinics of Regensburg and Würzburg.
Our task in this project is to recommend medical examinations for the doctor in the clinic to opimize the diagnistics of patients during the stay in the hospital.
This project is done in cooperation with the following institutions: