    Data Science Chair

    Daniel Zoller, M.Sc.

    Chair of Data Science (Informatik X)
    University of Würzburg
    Am Hubland
    97074 Würzburg

    Research Interests

    After I received my masters degree in computer science from the University of Kassel in 2013, I started my PhD here at the Data Science Chair. I am interested in recommender systems and information retrieval. Further topics of interest include deep learning, machine learning in general and software engineering.

    I am leading the development team of our bookmarking system BibSonomy.


    Here is a list of selected publications I have co-authored. A full list of my publications can be found here.

    • How Social is Social Tagg...
      How Social is Social Tagging?. Doerfel, Stephan; Zoller, Daniel; Singer, Philipp; Niebler, Thomas; Hotho, Andreas; Strohmaier, Markus. In 23rd International World Wide Web Conference, {WWW} ’14, Seoul, Republic of Korea, April 7-11, 2014, Companion Volume, of WWW 2014, pp. 251–252. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2014.
    • Integrating Keywords into...
      Integrating Keywords into BERT4Rec for Sequential Recommendation. Fischer, Elisabeth; Zoller, Daniel; Dallmann, Alexander; Hotho, Andreas. In KI 2020: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 2020.
    • Leveraging User-Interacti...
      Leveraging User-Interactions for Time-Aware Tag Recommendations. Zoller, Daniel; Doerfel, Stephan; Pölitz, Christian; Hotho, Andreas. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Temporal Reasoning in Recommender Systems, of {CEUR} Workshop Proceedings. 2017.
    • Posted, Visited, Exported...
      Posted, Visited, Exported: Altmetrics in the Social Tagging System BibSonomy. Zoller, Daniel; Doerfel, Stephan; Jäschke, Robert; Stumme, Gerd; Hotho, Andreas. In Journal of Informetrics, 10(3), pp. 732–749. 2016.
    • What Users Actually do in...
      What Users Actually do in a Social Tagging System: A Study of User Behavior in BibSonomy. Doerfel, Stephan; Zoller, Daniel; Singer, Philipp; Niebler, Thomas; Hotho, Andreas; Strohmaier, Markus. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 10(2), pp. 14:1–14:32. 2016.

