Florian Gallusser, M.Sc.

Florian Gallusser
Chair of Data Science (Informatik X)
University of Würzburg
Campus Hubland Nord
Emil-Fischer-Straße 50
97074 Würzburg
Email: florian.gallusser[at]uni-wuerzburg.de
Phone: (+49 931) 31-88409
Office: Room 50.03.010 (Zentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz und Data Science (CAIDAS))
About Me
I joined the Data Science Chair at the University of Würzburg in December 2023 for my PhD studies after having received my Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Bonn in the same year.
In the context of the project BigData@Geo 2.0 my work currently lies at the intersection of Deep Learning and Climate Modeling.
If you are looking for a thesis topic or a research assistant position in those fields, don't hesitate to contact me!