    Data Science Chair

    Jonas Kaiser, M.Sc.

    Chair of Data Science (Informatik X)
    University of Würzburg
    Campus Hubland Nord
    Emil-Fischer-Straße 50
    97074 Würzburg

    Email: jonas.kaiser <at>

    Phone: (+49 931)  31 - 86179

    Office: Room 50.03.019 (Zentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz und Data Science (CAIDAS))

    PGP Fingerprint: D84E A488 808F F412 626A F4E4 D2E1 9A05 EFF9 7BB6

    Research Interests

    After receiving my master's degree in Computer Science at the University of Würzburg in 2021, I joined the Data Science chair in 2023. While I have always been interested in the broad topics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) fascinates me the most.

    In my master's thesis, I examined an approach for recognizing highlights in esports streams by analyzing the audience's chat messages. My current research aims to expand on this by investigating ways to extract the topic from the conversation in such chatrooms.


