    Data Science Chair

    Tobias Koopmann, M.Sc.

    Chair of Data Science (Informatik X)
    University of Würzburg
    Campus Hubland Nord
    Emil-Fischer-Straße 50
    97074 Würzburg

    Email: koopmann[at]

    Phone: (+49 931)  31 - 89363

    Office: Room 50.03.07 (Building 50)

    Fingerprint:  CBC7 EACE BBF3 8CF8 EB3F 3478 A5FB FAA7 8F34 AD4E

    Projects and Research Interests

    I joined the DMIR group for my PhD studies after receiving my masters degree in Computer Science at the university of Würzburg in early 2019. At first, i was working on click trail analysis and human behavior prediction in the web based on Wikipedia click trails. 

    I started to work in the REGIO project. My contribution in the project is to analyse locally successful research cooperations based on different properties of the co-author network. For this we leverage the Bayesian approach HypTrails and apply it on graph- structured data. End 2021 after the project has been successfully finalized, I started working on the HydrAS project, which is a natural succession for my research topic. 


    2024[ to top ]
    • From Chat to Publication ...
      Völker, T., Pfister, J., Koopmann, T., and Hotho, A. (2024) From Chat to Publication Management: Organizing your related work using BibSonomy & LLMs, in Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, CHIIR ’24, <conf-loc>, <city>Sheffield</city>, <country>United Kingdom</country>, </conf-loc>: Association for Computing Machinery, 386–390, available:
    • CompTrails: comparing hyp...
      Koopmann, T., Becker, M., Lemmerich, F., and Hotho, A. (2024) CompTrails: comparing hypotheses across behavioral networks, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, available:
    2023[ to top ]
    • Higher-Order DeepTrails: ...
      Koopmann, T., Pfister, J., Markus, A., Carolus, A., Wienrich, C., and Hotho, A. (2023) Higher-Order DeepTrails: Unified Approach to *Trails, in Leyer, M. and Wichmann, J., eds., Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen {(LWDA)} Conference Proceedings, Marburg, Germany, October 9-11, 2023, {CEUR} Workshop Proceedings,, 372–386, available:
    2021[ to top ]
    • CoBERT: Scientific Collab...
      Koopmann, T., Kobs, K., Herud, K., and Hotho, A. (2021) CoBERT: Scientific Collaboration Prediction via Sequential Recommendation, in 2021 International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 45–54, available:
    • Proximity dimensions and ...
      Koopmann, T., Stubbemann, M., Kapa, M., Paris, M., Buenstorf, G., Hanika, T., Hotho, A., Jäschke, R., and Stumme, G. (2021) Proximity dimensions and the emergence of collaboration: a HypTrails study on German AI research, Scientometrics, available:
    2020[ to top ]
    • Stubbemann, M. and Koopmann, T. (2020) The German and International AI Network Data Set, available:
    2019[ to top ]
    • On the Right Track! Analy...
      Koopmann, T., Dallmann, A., Hettinger, L., Niebler, T., and Hotho, A. (2019) On the Right Track! Analysing and Predicting Navigation Success in Wikipedia, in Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, HT ’19, Hof, Germany: ACM, 143–152, available: