Martin Rackl, M.Sc.

Martin Rackl
Chair of Data Science (Informatik X)
University of Würzburg
Campus Hubland Nord
Emil-Fischer-Straße 50
97074 Würzburg
Email: martin.rackl[at]
Phone: (+49 931) 31-87987
Office: Room 50.03.016 (Zentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz und Data Science (CAIDAS))
Research Interests
After I finished my master's degree in physics here at the University of Würzburg in 2023, I joined the Data Mining and Information Retrieval group also in 2023 for my PhD studies.
During my master thesis, I wrote a neural network for the analytical continuation of the one particle, fermionic Green's function. This brought me into contact with the Department of Data Science.
I am currently working on gene data classification using a variety of methods, but I am fascinated by a lot of different topics.
So if you are interested in bioinformatics or physics, or have your own interesting ideas, feel free to contact me.
- TissueNet
- XtAI Lab (summer term 2023)
- Fundamentals of Algorithms and Data Structures (winter term 2023/24)
- Seminar: Ausgewählte Themen des Machine Learning (summer term 2024)