Deutsch Intern
    Computer Science VIII - Aerospace Information Technology



    Prof. Dr. Sergio Montenegro and staff members

    Prof. Dr. Hakan Kayal and staff members

    All Colleagues


    Aerospace Information Technology                                       

    Space Technology                                                                

    Sensors &                    Embedded Systems for Earth Observation      


    Sergio Montenegro

    Hakan Kayal

    Marco Schmidt



    Julia Schneider

    Tanja Schenk

    Research Arbab, Moritz Balagurin, Oleksii Heimbach, Moritz
    Assistants Baumann, Tom Greiner, Tobias  
      Bernhardt, Nikolaj Herbst, Tobias  
      Dilger, Erik Kaiser, Tobias  
      Elkeries, Henri Maurer, Andreas  
      Faisal, Muhammed Männel, Jonathan  
      Hilgarth, Alexander Neumann, Tobias  
      Hohbach, Annika Riegler, Clemens  
      Liman, Cedric Schwarz, Tobias  
      Lindörfer, Stefan    
      Lopez, Amenosis    
      Miranda Rivas, Emilio    
      Pathak, Milan    
      Paudel, Saurav    
      Redah, Atheel    
      Rothe, Julian    
      Sittner, Felix    
      Sousa, Pedro    
      Walter, Thomas    
      Wente, Sven    
      Zehrer, Michael    


    Former Colleagues