Deutsch Intern
Professorship for Space Technology

Information for Radio Amateurs

This page is dedicated to the amateur radio community and lists information related to our SONATE-2  mission. Activation of our amateur radio payloads (SSTV, APRS Digipeater) will usually be announced on our BlueSky account

Please contact for any questions regarding SONATE-2 amateur radio operations.

Two Line Elements (TLE)

The NORAD-ID of SONATE-2 is 59112 and its international designator is 2024-043Q. Current TLE information can be found on the CelesTrak website.

Telemetry Downlink

During passes over our ground stations in Germany the telemetry downlink will be activated.

  • Frequency: 437.025 MHz
  • Modulation: 9k6 G3RUH GMSK (F1D)
  • Protocol: AX.25

The protocol format used for encoding the telemetry frames can be found >>here<<.
Recorded AX.25 frames can be forwarded to

CW Beacon

The CW Beacon is only sporadically used. Mainly during LEOP for launch object identification. If activated, a beacon with the callsign of the satellite DP0SNX is transmitted at regular intervals as CW Morse code.

  • Frequency: 145.840 MHz
  • Modulation: Morse code CW (A1A)
  • Interval: 30 sec

APRS Digipeater

The APRS digipeater on SONATE-2 operates in half-duplex operation. The digipeater is only active when published below. When activated, it will transmit a greeting message every 2 minutes. Make sure to include SONATE-2's callsign DP0SNX in the APRS route.

  • Frequency: 145.825 MHz Up/Down
  • Modulation: 1k2 AFSK (F2D)
  • Protocol: AX.25
  • TX Power: 500mW


Planned Activation Schedule [Last Update: 06.03.2025]

The activation of the APRS digipeater on SONATE-2 is planned at the following times. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the planned times can also change at short notice. The begin of an APRS event is usually announced on our BlueSky account

Würzburg, 06.03.2025 – The APRS digipeater is deactivated during the weekend.

Begin [UTC] End [UTC]
10.03.2025 11:45  


Past Transmission Periods

Begin [UTC] End [UTC] Duration  [h] Digipeated Message Count Worldmap
26.07.2024 16:00 29.07.2024 00:00 56:00 421
09.08.2024 15:00 11.08.2024 23:00 56:00 486
14.08.2024 15:00 18.08.2024 23:00 104:00 833
23.08.2024 15:00 25.08.2024 23:00 56:00 289
13.09.2024 15:20 15.09.2024 23:20 56:00 539
20.09.2024 15:40 22.09.2024 23:40 56:00 632
30.09.2024 15:30 07.10.2024 00:00 152:30 834
07.10.2024 00:00 14.10.2024 00:00 168:00 576
14.10.2024 00:00 18.10.2024 15:45 111:45 406
21.10.2024 11:25 28.10.2024 00:00 156:35 703
28.10.2024 00:00 01.11.2024 15:30 111:30 397
04.11.2024 11:30 11.11.2024 00:00 156:30 463
11.11.2024 00:00 15.11.2024 15:30 111:30 397
18.11.2024 11:00 25.11.2024 00:00 157:00 343
25.11.2024 00:00 29.11.2024 15:00 111:00 201
02.12.2024 11:05 09.12.2024 00:00 156:55 465
09.12.2024 00:00 13.12.2024 15:00 111:00 226
16.12.2024 11:00 23.12.2024 00:00 157:00 410
23.12.2024 00:00 30.12.2024 00:00 168:00 367
30.12.2024 00:00 06.01.2025 00:00 168:00 558
06.01.2025 00:00 13.01.2025 00:00 168:00 324
13.01.2025 00:00 20.01.2025 00:00 168:00 407
20.01.2025 00:00 27.01.2025 00:00 168:00 500
27.01.2025 00:00 03.02.2025 00:00 168:00 525
03.02.2025 00:00 07.02.2025 15:00 111:00 320
10.02.2025 15:00 14.02.2025 15:00 96:00 396
17.02.2025 12:00 24.02.2025 00:00 156:00 467
24.02.2025 00:00 03.03.2025 00:00 168:00 664
03.03.2025 00:00 07.03.2025 15:45 111:45 413
10.03.2025 11:45        

SSTV Downlink

Regular downlinks of SSTV images captured by SONATE-2's on-board cameras are planned. The SSTV downlinks are only active during the times when published below.

  • Frequency: 145.880 MHz
  • Modulation: Martin M1 SSTV FM (F3F)
  • TX Power: 500mW


Transmission Schedule from 07.03.2025 – 10.03.2025 in UTC [Last Update: 06.03.2025]

The following table shows the UTC times of the planned SSTV transmissions of SONATE-2. Two images are transmitted sequentially at these times. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the scheduled times may change at short notice. The begin of a SSTV event is usually also announced on our BlueSky account

Würzburg, 05.03.2025 – The APRS digipeater is switched off during the entire planned SSTV event period.

Australia, New Zealand
08.03.2025 02:34:00
08.03.2025 04:06:00
09.03.2025 02:08:00
09.03.2025 03:39:00
09.03.2025 05:11:00
10.03.2025 01:39:00
10.03.2025 03:10:00
10.03.2025 04:43:00
Middle East, India South East China, Siberia Japan/Korea
08.03.2025 08:34:00
08.03.2025 10:09:00
08.03.2025 22:07:00
09.03.2025 09:41:00
09.03.2025 11:14:00
10.03.2025 09:12:00
07.03.2025 17:46:00
08.03.2025 05:33:00
08.03.2025 06:56:00
08.03.2025 17:32:00
09.03.2025 06:25:00
09.03.2025 08:04:00
09.03.2025 18:35:00
10.03.2025 05:56:00
10.03.2025 07:32:00
07.03.2025 16:21:00
08.03.2025 05:23:00
09.03.2025 04:54:00
09.03.2025 17:00:00
10.03.2025 04:27:00
West Central East  
08.03.2025 01:49:00
08.03.2025 14:44:00
09.03.2025 01:22:00
09.03.2025 14:17:00
10.03.2025 00:54:00
08.03.2025 00:15:00
08.03.2025 13:10:00
08.03.2025 23:49:00
09.03.2025 12:42:00
07.03.2025 22:43:00
08.03.2025 11:36:00
09.03.2025 23:21:00
North America
West, Alaska Central East Hawaii
07.03.2025 22:58:00
08.03.2025 09:43:00
09.03.2025 09:13:00
09.03.2025 10:48:00
09.03.2025 22:09:00
10.03.2025 08:48:00
07.03.2025 21:28:00
08.03.2025 08:00:00
08.03.2025 21:05:00
09.03.2025 20:37:00
07.03.2025 19:57:00
08.03.2025 06:31:00
08.03.2025 19:30:00
09.03.2025 06:03:00
09.03.2025 07:35:00
09.03.2025 19:01:00
10.03.2025 05:36:00
08.03.2025 11:09:00
South America
West East    
07.03.2025 18:33:00
08.03.2025 18:12:00
09.03.2025 17:41:00
10.03.2025 06:57:00
07.03.2025 17:01:00
08.03.2025 16:36:00
09.03.2025 16:07:00
08.03.2025 11:54:00
09.03.2025 09:53:00
09.03.2025 23:02:00


Planned Transmissions [Last Update: 05.03.2025]

The following table shows the times for future planned SSTV transmissions of SONATE-2. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the scheduled times may change at short notice. The begin of a SSTV event is usually also announced on our BlueSky account

Planned Period
07.03.2025 – 10.03.2025


Past Transmissions

The following table shows the past transmissions of SONATE-2's SSTV transmitter and the regions of the transmitted images.

Transmission Period Image Content Images
08.03.24 – 11.03.24 SONATE-2
26.03.24 – 02.04.24 French Atlantik Coast
17.05.24 – 21.05.24 Strait of Gibraltar
21.06.24 – 24.06.24 Durrat Al Bahrain
05.07.24 – 08.07.24 Hurricane Beryl
02.08.24 – 05.08.24 Dubai and Italy  
31.08.24 – 02.09.24 Honshū, Japan
27.09.24 – 30.09.24 Persian Gulf and Karkheh Dam, Iran
18.10.24 – 21.10.24 Tasmania, Australia and Great Salt Lake, UT, USA
01.11.24 – 04.11.24 New York, USA and Cape Town, South Africa
15.11.24 – 18.11.24 San Francisco, CA, USA and Key West, FL, USA
29.11.24 – 02.12.24 Maasvlakte Rotterdam, Netherlands and Korean Peninsula
13.12.24 – 16.12.24 Graham Land, Antarctica and Dalhart, TX, USA
14.02.25 – 17.02.25 Nile Delta, Egypt and Spencer Gulf, Australia
07.03.25 – 10.03.25 Los Angeles, CA, USA and Rio de la Plata