Deutsch Intern
Institute of Computer Science

Colloquia Informatica et Vita

CIV - Colloquia de Informatica et de Vita

In der Vortragsreihe Colloquia Informatica et de Vita berichten Informatikerinnen über ihre Forschung und ihren beruflichen Werdegang.

Im Wintersemester 2016/17 finden die folgenden Vorträge im Informatikgebäude (M2) statt:

Montag, 17.10.2016
17 - 18 Uhr
Übungsraum I
Prof. Dr. Franziska Klügl
(Örebro University, Schweden)
New Trends in Agent-Based Simulation
Donnerstag, 27.10.2016
17 - 18 Uhr
Seminarraum II
Prof. Dr. Sabine Timpf
(Universität Augsburg)
Intelligente Mobilität
Montag, 28.11.2016
17 - 18 Uhr
Übungsraum I
Dr. Mirja Kühlewind
(ETH Zürich)
Measurement and Architecture in a Middleboxed Internet
Mittwoch, 15.02.2017
17 - 18 Uhr
Übungsraum I

Prof. Dr. Barbara Staehle
(HTWG Konstanz)
Cognitive radio for reliable industrial communication

Curricula Vitae

Barbara Staehle

Barbara Staehle received her master, and PhD degree in Computer Science with a focus on Mathematics and Networking from University of Würzburg in 2005 and 2011, respectively. From 2005-2006 Barbara has been with Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Austria, where she has been working on the performance analysis of P2P based applications. From 2006-2011, she has been a research fellow at the Chair of Communication Networks at the University of Würzburg tackling the simulative and analytical performance evaluation and optimization of sensor and mesh networks. From 2011-2015 she has been affiliated with the Fraunhofer society where she has been working on energy efficient and robust communication and localization solutions and leading different research groups solving problems in the field of embedded communications. Since October 2015, she is a professor of mathematics and theoretical computer science at Konstanz University of Applied Sciences (HTWG).

Mirja Kühlewind

Mirja Kühlewind is senior researcher at the Networked Systems Group of the Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory at ETH Zurich. She received her PhD in 2015 from the University of Stuttgart where she worked on protocol design and TCP congestion control at the Institute of Communication Networks and Computer Engineering (IKR). Her research interests additionally include Internet measurements with a focus on middlebox impairments and cooperation. Further, Mirja is the project coordinator of a new EU research project in this area: Measurement and Architecture for a Middleboxed Internet (MAMI). Mirja was selected as IETF Transport Area Director in 2016; prior to that, she was co-chair of the IETF's RTP Media Congestion Avoidance Techniques (rmcat) and TCP increased security (tcpinc) working groups. She also co-chairs the Measurement and Analysis for Protocols research group (maprg) in the IRTF.

Sabine Timpf

Tochter einer Schneiderin und eines Kraftfahrzeugtesters, älteste von 3 Kindern
aufgewachsen in der Vordereifel bei Koblenz
1987 Abitur am Hilda-Gymnasium Koblenz
1987-1993Studium Vermessungswesen in Hannover
1991-1992Integriertes Auslandsstudium in Orono, Maine, USA mit Abschluss Master of Science
1993 Abschluss Diplom-Ingenieurin Vermessungswesen
1994-1998Doktorandin an der TU Wien im Bereich Geoinformatik
1998 Promotion Doktorin der technischen Wissenschaften
19991. Kind Florian
2000-2006Oberassistentin Universität Zürich in der Geographie, Geoinformationsanalyse
20042. Kind Cornelia
2006-2007Postdok-Stipendium an der Universität Würzburg, Informatik Lst. VI
2007-2008Vertretungsprofessorin Universität Augsburg
seit 10/2008Professorin für Geoinformatik an der Universität Augsburg

Franziska Klügl

Franziska Klügl works in the area of multiagent systems for simulation since 1995. As part of her PhD thesis she developed a tool for visually developing multi-agent simulations based on declarative behaviour representation, called SeSAm. 2001-2008 she has been working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Artificial Intelligence at the University Würzburg. In 2008 she moved to Örebro University in Sweden, first as Universitetslektor, then 2009 as Associate Professor at the Modeling and Simulation Research Center. In 2010 she finished the Habilitation with a thesis on "Agent-based Simulation Engineering" and received the Venia Legendi at the University of Würzburg. In October 2011 she was promoted to Full Professor in Information Technology at Örebro University. Currently, Franziska Klügl is member of the Machine Perception and Interaction Lab at the Centre for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems – one of the strong research environments at Örebro University. She teaches courses related to her research topics in various undergraduate and graduate programs and is the program responsible for the basic Computer Science education.

Her research interests include methodologies and tools for multi-agent simulation and their application in different domains. A current focus is on the integration of advanced visualization and information from diverse sensors into a running Multiagent Simulation, as well as in using agents in geospatial simulation and analysis.

In 2010, she visited IRIT at Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France. 2011/2012 she worked as a Guest Professor at the University of Augsburg, Germany. She was involved in organizing a number of events, for example as Publication Chair of AAMAS 2008, PC (Co-)Chair of EUMAS 2008, ATT (Agents in Traffic and Transportation) Workshop Series since 2004, MATES 2011. Currently, she serves as Local Arrangements Chair of AAMAS2018 in Stockholm.