Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science I - Algorithms and Complexity


In the last two weeks, two PhD students from our group have successfully defended their PhD theses in public disputations.


In centrality problems we search for a set of nodes of a graph that - as a group - is located as central as possible. At the conference WALCOM'11, Martin Fink presents algorithms and additional results for the centrality problem "Maximum Betweenness Centrality", which he investigated together with Spoerhase.


Location problems deal with the choice of locations for facilities that are to be opened. At the conference ISAAC'10, Joachim Spoerhase presents an optimal algorithm for the so-called single maximum coverage location problem on tree-graphs.


Public Defense


Joachim Spoerhase, research assistant at the Chair of Computer Science I, defends his dissertation on competitive and voting location.


As is well-known, the traveling salesman has the difficult task to visit a given set of cities on a shortest round-trip. At the conference STACS'10 in Nancy, Alexander Wolff gave a talk on new results for the case that the cities have so-called squared Euclidean distances.
