Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science I - Algorithms and Complexity


2013[ to top ]
  • Morphing Polylines Based on Least-Squares Adjustment. Peng, Dongliang; Haunert, Jan-Henrik; Wolff, Alexander; Hurter, Christophe. In Proceedings of the 16th ICA Generalisation Workshop. 2013.
  • Optimizing Active Ranges for Point Selection in Dynamic Maps. Schwartges, Nadine; Allerkamp, Dennis; Haunert, Jan-Henrik; Wolff, Alexander. In Proceedings of the 16th ICA Generalisation Workshop. 2013.
  • Selecting the Aspect Ratio of a Scatter Plot Based on Its Delaunay Triangulation. Fink, Martin; Haunert, Jan-Henrik; Spoerhase, Joachim; Wolff, Alexander. 2013.
  • An Algorithmic Approach to Geographic Information Science. Haunert, J.-H. 2013.
  • A probabilistic model for road selection in mobile maps. van Dijk, Thomas C.; Haunert, Jan-Henrik. In Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS’13), pp. 214–222. 2013.
  • Selecting the Aspect Ratio of a Scatter Plot Based on Its Delaunay Triangulation. Fink, Martin; Haunert, Jan-Henrik; Spoerhase, Joachim; Wolff, Alexander. In Proceedings of the 29th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG’13). 2013.
2012[ to top ]
  • Algorithms for Labeling Focus Regions. Fink, Martin; Haunert, Jan-Henrik; Schulz, Andr{é}; Spoerhase, Joachim; Wolff, Alexander. In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(12), pp. 2583–2592. 2012.
  • Drawing Graphs with Vertices at Specified Positions and Crossings at Large Angles. Fink, M.; Haunert, J.-H.; Mchedlidze, T.; Spoerhase, J.; Wolff, A. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM 2012), February 15-17, 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Vol. 7157 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, M. S. Rahman, S. i. Nakano (eds.), pp. 186–197. Springer-Verlag, 2012.
  • A Symmetry Detector for Map Generalization and Urban-Space Analysis. Haunert, Jan-Henrik. In ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 74, pp. 66–77. 2012.
  • An algorithm for map matching given incomplete road data. Haunert, Jan-Henrik; Budig, Benedikt. In Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS ’12), pp. 510–513. 2012.
2011[ to top ]
  • Boundary-Labeling Algorithms for Panorama Images. Gemsa, Andreas; Haunert, Jan-Henrik; N{ö}llenburg, Martin. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS’11), November 1-4, 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, pp. 289–298. 2011.
  • Drawing Road Networks with Focus Regions. Haunert, J.-H.; Sering, L. In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. Information Visualization 2011), 17(12), pp. 2555–2562. 2011.
  • Detecting Symmetries in Building Footprints by String Matching. Haunert, J.-H. In Advancing Geoinformation Science for a Changing World -- Proc. 14th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, of Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, S. Geertman, W. Reinhardt, F. Toppen (eds.), pp. 319–336. Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2011.
  • Map Generalisation -- Quality Benchmarks through Optimisation. Haunert, J.-H. In GIM International, 25(1), pp. 31–33. 2011.
2010[ to top ]
  • Optimal and Topologically Safe Simplification of Building Footprints. Haunert, J.-H.; Wolff, A. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS’10), November 2-5, 2010, San Jose, CA, USA, A. E. Abbadi, D. Agrawal, M. Mokbel, P. Zhang (eds.), pp. 192–201. 2010.
  • Area aggregation in map generalisation by mixed-integer programming. Haunert, J.-H.; Wolff, A. In International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24(12), pp. 1871–1897. 2010.
2009[ to top ]
  • Constrained set-up of the t{GAP} structure for progressive vector data transfer. Haunert, J.-H.; Dilo, A.; van Oosterom, P. In Computers & Geosciences, 35(11), pp. 2191–2203. 2009.
  • Vehicle Localization by Matching Triangulated Point Patterns. Haunert, J.-H.; Brenner, C. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS’09), November 4-6, 2009, Seattle, WA, USA, O. Wolfson, D. Agrawal, C.-T. Lu (eds.), pp. 344–351. 2009.
  • Aggregation in Map Generalization by Combinatorial Optimization. Technical Report (PhD dissertation626), . Haunert, J.-H. PhD dissertation. Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, 2009.
  • Deriving scale-transition matrices from map samples for simulated annealing-based aggregation. Kieler, Birgit; Haunert, Jan-Henrik; Sester, Monika. In Annals of GIS, 15(2), pp. 107–116. 2009.
  • Matching River Datasets of Different Scales. Kieler, B.; Huang, W.; Haunert, J.-H.; Jiang, J. In Advances in GIScience: Proceedings of the 12th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, June 2--5, 2009, Hannover, Germany, of Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, M. Sester, L. Bernard, V. Paelke (eds.), pp. 56–63. Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2009.
2008[ to top ]
  • {M}odell- und kartographische {G}eneralisierung von topographischen und thematischen {I}nformationen. Sester, M.; Haunert, J.-H.; Anders, K.-H. In Kartographische Nachrichten, 6, pp. 307–314. 2008.
  • Area collapse and road centerlines based on straight skeletons. Haunert, J.-H.; Sester, M. In GeoInformatica, 12(2), pp. 169–191. 2008.
  • Assuring logical consistency and semantic accuracy in map generalization. Haunert, J.-H.; Sester, M. In Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation (PFG), 2008(3), pp. 165–173. 2008.
  • Optimal simplification of building ground plans. Haunert, J.-H.; Wolff, A. In Proceedings of the XXIst ISPRS Congress, July 3--11, 2008, Beijing, China, Vol. XXXVII(Part B2) of International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, pp. 373–378. ISPRS, 2008.
2007[ to top ]
  • Optimization methods for area aggregation in land cover maps. Haunert, J.-H. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Cartographic Conference (ICC’07), August 4--10, 2007, Moscow, Russia. 2007.
  • Quality assessment for polygon generalization. Podolskaya, E. S.; Anders, K.-H.; Haunert, J.-H.; Sester, M. In Quality Aspects in Spatial Data Mining, pp. 211–220. CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, 2007.
  • {D}as virtuelle {F}ernrohr {G}eo{S}cope. Brenner, C.; Paelke, V.; Haunert, J.-H.; Ripperda, N. In {Ü}bers {R}eisen -- {F}orschung rund um das {F}ernweh, pp. 34–37. Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2007.
  • A formal model and mixed-integer program for area aggregation in map generalization. Haunert, J.-H. In Photogrammetric Image Analysis (PIA’07), September 19--21, 2007, Munich, Germany, Vol. XXXVI(Part 3/W49A) of International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, pp. 161–166. ISPRS, 2007.
  • Efficient area aggregation by combination of different techniques. Haunert, J.-H. In Proceedings of the 10th ICA Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation, August 2--3, 2007, Moscow, Russia. 2007.
2006[ to top ]
  • Generalization of land cover maps by mixed integer programming. Haunert, J.-H.; Wolff, A. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS’06), November 11--16, 2006, Arlington, VA, USA, R. A. de By, S. Nittel (eds.), pp. 75–82. Arlington, Virginia, USA, 2006.
  • Hierarchical structures for rule-based incremental generalisation. Haunert, J.-H.; Anders, K.-H.; Sester, M. In Proceedings of the ISPRS Workshop on Multiple Representation and Interoperability of Spatial Data, February 22--24, 2006, Hannover, Germany, Vol. XXXVI(Part 2/W40) of International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, pp. 49–57. ISPRS, 2006.
  • Aktualisierung von {Geodaten} in einer {M}ultiple {R}epresentation {D}atabase. Haunert, J.-H. In Publikationen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation e.V., DGPF Jahrestagung 2006, Berlin, Germany. 2006.
  • The {GeoScope} -- a mixed-reality system for planning and public participation. Brenner, C.; Paelke, V.; Haunert, J.-H.; Ripperda, N. In Proceedings of the 25th Urban Data Management Symposium (UDMS’06), May 15-17, 2006, Aalborg, Denmark. 2006.
2005[ to top ]
  • Geometrietypwechsel in einer {M}ulti-{R}esolution-{D}atenbank. Haunert, J.-H. In Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Band 34: Arbeitsgruppe Automation in der Kartographie -- Tagung 2004. Verlag des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2005.
  • Propagating updates between linked data sets of different scale. Haunert, J.-H.; Sester, M. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Cartographic Conference (ICC’05), July 11--16, 2005, A Coruña, Spain. 2005.
  • Using a geographic information system for the generation of driving simulator scenes. Haunert, J.-H.; Brenner, C.; Neidhart, H. In Advances in Transportation Studies - An International Journal, Special Issue, pp. 33–44. 2005.
  • Link based conflation of geographic datasets. Haunert, J.-H. In Proceedings of the 8th ICA Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation, July 7--8, 2005, A Coruña, Spain. 2005.
2004[ to top ]
  • {MRDB} to connect {3D} city models, cadastral, and topographic data together. Anders, K.-H.; Haunert, J.-H. In Proceedings of the 24th Urban Data Management Symposium (UDMS’04), October 27--29, 2004, Chioggia (Venice), Italy. 2004.
  • Using the straight skeleton for generalisation in a multiple representation environment. Haunert, J.-H.; Sester, M. In Proceedings of the 7th ICA Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation, August 20--21, 2004, Leicester, UK. 2004.
2003[ to top ]
  • Untersuchungen zur objektgestützten Mehrbildzuordnung. Technical Report (Master thesis), . Haunert, Jan-Henrik. Master thesis. Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2003.