Priv.-Doz. Dr. habil. Joachim Spoerhase

I have moved to the University of Liverpool.
E-Mail: Firstname.Lastname [at ] liverpool [dot] ac [dot] uk
- optimization
- algorithms
- clustering and location
- network design
- graph algorithms
- DFG research project: Approximation algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems with packing constraints" (SP 1468/3-1)
- Postdoc: Kamyar Khodamoradi
Work in Committees
- EuroCG'20 (Program Committee)
- CALDAM'20 (Program Committee)
- CALDAM'19 (Program Committee)
- ALGO'18 (Organizing Committee)
- GD'14 (Organizing Committee)
Short CV
- as of August, 2020: Research associate (Akademischer Oberrat, A14) at Chair for Computer Science I, University of Würzburg
- August, 2018 - July, 2020: Research fellow at the Department of Computer Science, Aalto University, Finland
- since October 2017: Research associate (Akademischer Oberrat, A14) at Chair for Computer Science I, University of Würzburg
- July 2017: Habilitation at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Würzburg
- April 2017 - September 2017: Employment as postdoc at the Institute of Computer Science, University of Wrocław
- July 2015 – March 2017: Research associate (Akademischer Rat, A13) at Chair for Computer Science I, University of Würzburg
- February 2015 - June 2015: Employment as postdoc at the Institute of Computer Science, University of Wrocław
- August 2010 – January 2015: Research associate (Akademischer Rat, A13) at Chair for Computer Science I, University of Würzburg
- June 2010: PhD in Computer Science, University of Würzburg
- July 2006 – August 2010: research assistant at Chair for Computer Science I, University of Würzburg
- till July 2006: studies of computer science at Universität Würzburg