Deutsch Intern
Lehrstuhl für Informatik III


6th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint EuroNGI and ITG Workshop on "Visions of Future Generation Networks"


July 31st - August 1st 2006

Focus: Visions of Future Generation Networks

Truly new applications are strongly inhibited by the numerous deficiencies of today's Internet. These are, e.g., the missing or limited support for quality of service, security, and accountability, the high operational complexity, the lack of adaptability to deal with the exponential growth of mobile terminals and with network mobility, the difficulties to integrate and profit from new technologies like wireless sensor networks. These deficiencies call for a radical new design of future networks. A greenfield approach is needed to permit new communication paradigms and to stimulate ideas for new applications.

Currently, different initiatives for an evolved Internet architecture emerge in Europe, the United States, or Asia, like national or multi-national research networks such as the X-WIN (Germany) and GEANT2 (Europe). However, radical design ideas as suggested by the GENI project, U-IT839 (Korea), or by the Euro-NGI researchers, are addressed only in a limited way due to the restriction of these projects to today's networks, to current technology, and their local scale. The aim of the event is to mediate between the fast developing concepts of Europe, North-America, and Asia for the architecture of the future Internet. This workshop serves the integration of the three continental approaches into a global view on the future generation Internet's architecture.

The workshop is organized by the University of Wuerzburg and the German Informatics Society (ITG) on behalf of the Euro-NGI Network of Excellence. EuroFGI is Europe's largest network of Internet experts. It is funded through the FP6 initiative of the European Commission and comprises 56 institutions from 18 countries. In total, EuroFGI represents more then 300 experts from all over Europe. The technical objective of EuroFGI is to integrate and to coordinate Europe's research on the next generation Internet.