Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science III

H2020 Mobi-QoE

Project: H2020 Mobi-QoE

Mobi-QoE (Monitoring and Analysis of Quality of Experience in Mobile Broadband Networks, funded by European Commission H2020 project MONROE (Measuring Mobile Broadband Networks in Europe))

The objective of Mobi-QoE is to extend MONROE’s testbed to the QoE domain by integrating novel software-based QoE-capable measurement tools and QoE models for popular end-user services (e.g., YouTube, Facebook, Spotify). In crowdsourced field trials, the extensions will be evaluated and the QoE models will be refined to enable experiments for QoE-based performance analysis of mobile broadband networks with the MONROE testbed.

The project Mobi-QoE is conducted in collaboration with AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH


Dr. Florian Wamser,
Anika Schwind M.Sc.

Pedro Casas,
Dr. Michael Seufert

Tool: YoMo-Docker

Yomo-Docker is a Docker container to actively measure QoE related factors of YouTube video streaming. The measurement concept is based on emulating a virtual end-user device requesting video streams, which are then monitored at the network and application layers, on the basis of QoE-relevant features.

It is available on DockerHub by pulling mobiqoe/yomo_docker or on GitHub in the yomo-docker repository.

For more information, please contact Anika Schwind (


Local Testing

To start local QoE tests, Docker has to be installed. Then, simply run the following command and get the results into a selected folder:

docker run --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --env LOCAL=1 -v <Path to result folder>:/monroe/results yomo_docker

or use a config file in addition to specify YouTube ID, duration and bitrates for different quality levels:

docker run --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --env LOCAL=1 -v <Path to config file>:/monroe/config -v <Path to result folder>:/monroe/results yomo_docker


The container will export three different log files:

  1. Information about the playout buffer (in intervals of approx. 1s) in the following format:
    	timestamp#video playback time#buffered playback time#available playback time\n 
  2. Information about the video player (playback events, video information) in the following format:
  3. Statistics about bitrate, buffer, and stallings
    	avg, max, min, 25-50-75-90 quantiles of: bitrate [KB], buffer [s], number of stalls (only one value), duration of stalls 
  4. Network traffic information during the video playback using tshark



2018[ to top ]
  • Streaming Characteristics of Spotify Sessions. Schwind, Anika; Wamser, Florian; Gensler, Thomas; Seufert, Michael; Casas, Pedro; Tran-Gia, Phuoc. In The 2nd International Workshop on Quality of Experience Management. Sardinia, Italy, 2018.
2017[ to top ]
  • YouTube QoE Monitoring with YoMoApp: a Mobile App for Crowdsourced YouTube QoE Analysis. Seufert, Michael; Wehner, Nikolas; Wamser, Florian; Casas, Pedro. London, UK, 2017, November.
  • Concept and Implementation of Video QoE Measurements in a Mobile Broadband Testbed. Schwind, Anika; Seufert, Michael; Alay, Özgü; Casas, Pedro; Tran-Gia, Phuoc; Wamser, Florian. In IEEE/IFIP Workshop on Mobile Network Measurement (MNM’17). Dublin, Ireland, 2017.
  • Unperturbed Video Streaming QoE Under Web Page Related Context Factors. Seufert, Michael; Zach, Ondrej; Slanina, Martin; Tran-Gia, Phuoc. In 9th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). Erfurt, Germany, 2017.
  • Unsupervised QoE Field Study for Mobile YouTube Video Streaming with YoMoApp. Seufert, Michael; Wehner, Nikolas; Wamser, Florian; Casas, Pedro; D’Alconzo, Alessandro; Tran-Gia, Phuoc. In 9th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). Erfurt, Germany, 2017.

Student Works and Theses

2017[ to top ]
  • YouTube QoE Monitoring with YoMoApp: a Mobile App for Crowdsourced YouTube QoE Analysis. Seufert, Michael; Wehner, Nikolas; Wamser, Florian; Casas, Pedro. London, UK, 2017, November.