Deutsch Intern
Lehrstuhl für Informatik III

Internet Technologies

Alle Daten zum Kurs finden Sie auf WueCampus.


Internet Technologies is one of the three choice lectures for Spacemaster students. One of these lectures is compulsory. This lecture provides an overview of basic Internet mechanisms as well as communication network principles. Along with wireless mobile communication, fixed wired communication basics are introduced like routing or Internet flow control.

By passing the practical and theoretical exercises, and the written exam, the students receive 3.5 ECTS credits.


  • Kurose J.F., Ross K.W. / Computer Networking, A Top-Down Approach / Addison Wesley (Computernetzwerke: Der Top-Down-Ansatz, Pearson Studium)
  • Peterson L.L., Davie B.S. / Computer Networks: A Systems Approach / Morgan Kaufmann (Computernetze - Eine systemorientierte Einführung, Dpunkt-Lehrbuch)
  • Tanenbaum A.S. / Computer Networks / PrenticeHall
  • Schiller, J / Mobilkommunikation / PearsonStudium
  • Tran-Gia P. / Einführung in die Leistungsbewertung und Verkehrstheorie / Oldenbourg 2005
  • Internet Standards (RFCs):

News and Announcements

  • First lecture: to be announced