Deutsch Intern
Lehrstuhl für Informatik III

Practical Courses on Internet Technologies

General Information

We expressly encourage interested students to directly approach our chair's researchers and ask them for currently available topics.

These practial courses are only applicable to master students enroled in the computer science study program of March 2018  or later. Please get in contact with your supervisor to clarify this.


Topics for practical courses are defined by the individual supervisor in cooperation with Prof. and worked on by the student. Currently, we offer topics from these broad areas:

  • Cloud architectures and communication networks
  • Examination and evaluation of network protocols
  • Measurement studies of communication networks
  • Practical implementations of network-related algorithms
  • Simulations of protocols, applications, architectures

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. New topics and topics from other areas might be available on a day-to-day basis. We encourage you to directly contact our researchers for up-to-date information.


All our practical courses are performed in the rooms available at our chair. For this occasion we provide workplaces and the required hardware and materials. If a topic allows for it, it can also be worked on from home.

We enrol you in the according course. The work has to be completed and handed in the semester that you were enroled in. We therefore will not enrol you right at the end of a semster, but instead postpone the enrolment to the following semester in order for you to have sufficient time to complete the work.

It is often advisable to partake a practical course directly after a topical lecture or continue your work as a bachelor or master thesis. You should contact the supervisor sufficiently in advance to select and discuss a topic.

We value topics that are closely related to our current research. Thus, we prioritize handing out topics out of current projects and of research interest to our researchers.

You should familiarize yourself with the chosen topic. Pointers to in-depth literature will be provided, but we expect you to work on this on your own. A concluding written report and presentation are mandatory. The report and presentation are graded.

Your supervisor will set up weekly or biweekly meetings with you. Always keep in contact with your supervisor to avoid short-term scheduling conflicts.