Deutsch Intern
Lehrstuhl für Informatik III

Seminar "User-centric Communication Networks (UCN)"

Seminar Concept

This term the UCN seminar places a special emphasis on the exchange and open discussion among students.

The seminar will be structured as follows:

  • The students give a 20 minute presentation on their selected topic .
  • Afterwards, there will be a 20 minute discussion, in which each student has to give a 1-2 minute introductory statement, followed by a 10 minute open discussion.
  • The special feature of the discussion is that each student incorporates a different role, which  is supposed to shed some light on various aspects of the topic. The role distribution hereby follows the "Six Thinking Hats" by De Bono ( After each presentation the incorporated role changes.

In total there will be three seminar appointments with two presentations each.

Topic Assignment

This year's topic allocation is based on an application procedure. If several students apply for the same topic, your letter of motivation and your content concept will be taken into account. After the application deadline you will be informed about the results by e-mail. Please note that we will communicate with you within the procedure exclusively via your Stud-Mail address.

Application for a Seminar

This semester we offer the following seminar topics. If you are interested, you can apply by e-mail directly to the assistants listed below until April 18th, 2021. If not stated otherwise, the seminars are suitable for both the Bachelor and the Master program. An overview of the number of applications per topic can be found here

Your application in PDF format should be 1 to 1.5 DIN A4 pages long and contain the following information

  • Name, stud-mail address, subject and semester
  • Name of the desired topic
  • A letter of motivation why you want to study this topic
  • A rough concept about the content you want to look at in this seminar and convey to the other students

After you have sent your application, please register in the above mentioned survey for the corresponding topic. Only if you have done both (application by e-mail + registration in the survey) your application will be considered.


  1. QoE and Privacy (Assistant: Katharina Dietz)
  2. QoE and Net Neutrality/Fairness (Aasistant: Michael Seufert)
  3. QoE and Sustainability/Energy Efficiency (Assistant: Nikolas Wehner)
  4. QoE and Security (Assistant: Katharina Dietz)
  5. QoE and Commercial Interest (Assistant: Michael Seufert​​​​​​​)
  6. QoE and UX/Usability (Assistant: Nikolas Wehner)


Despite the current limitations of the chair's daily work, the seminar will take place in the summer semester. You will find the schedule and current dates in the corresponding WueCampus course, to which you will be invited by your supervisor. 

The seminar will be held as a block seminar. The actual dates for presentation will be announced during the semester in WueCampus and via e-mail.

The seminar participants must contact their supervisor in a timely and independent manner to discuss the topic with him or her. We attach great importance to a professional talk. This includes both the content and the way of presenting.

The participants have to familiarize themselves with their topic and prepare a didactically well-prepared talk of 20 to 25 minutes. The material is provided by the supervisor. He*she is available for questions. Further study of literature is often expected, depending on the topic. The written elaboration of the topic is compulsory according to the examination regulations.

Two weeks before the official presentation date, we request a rehearsal presentation to practice and improve the talk. This one is mandatory. Some supervisors have business trips and other appointments, so they are time-bound. Therefore, the appointment must be coordinated with the supervisor in advance. We expect the participants to prepare for the rehearsal presentation and practice their talk several times with fellow students beforehand. Any feedback from fellow students should be incorporated.

Participants who have not prepared an appropriate final presentation in time are moved to the next semester. Unfortunately, it is not possible to postpone the presentation dates at short notice. Being present at all presentations of the seminar is compulsory for all participants. The presence is monitored.