Deutsch Intern
Lehrstuhl für Informatik III

User-centric Communication Networks (UCN)

Seminar "User-centric Communication Networks (UCN)"

Supervisor: Dr. rer. nat. Michael Seufert 


Topic Assignments

The seminar topics will be published on this website on Monday, October 7th at 10:00 am. If you are interested in a topic, please send an e-mail to and tell us your current course of studies (bachelor's or master's program) as well as your first (and possibly second) wish for a topic. The topics are then assigned according to the first-come-first-serve principle.

The chair offers a total of three seminars (CAN, NGN, UCN), which can be attended in the bachelor's as well as in the master's program. Please apply for a maximum of 2 seminars at the same time.

All topics are already taken


  1. Quality and Quality of Experience (Betreuer: Kathrin Borchert, BA)
  2. Advanced Aspects of QoE (Betreuer: Kathrin Borchert, MA)
  3. QoE Monitoring of Internet Applications (Betreuer: Nikolas Wehner, BA,)
  4. QoE Monitoring from Encrypted Internet Traffic (Betreuer: Nikolas Wehner, MA,)
  5. QoE-aware Traffic Management Decisions (Betreuer: Dr. Michael Seufert, BA)
  6. Network Management for QoE Improvements (Betreuer: Stefan Geißler, BA)
  7. Advanced Examples of QoE-Management (Betreuer: Stefan Geißler, MA)
  8. Societal Aspects und Implications of QoE-Management (Betreuer: Dr. Michael Seufert,  BA)


Attending the introductory course is compulsory for seminar participants. In this course the general rules as well as expectations for presentation and elaboration are discussed. It will take place on Tuesday, October 15th, 2019 at 14:15 in SE II in the Computer Science building.

The seminar will be held as a block seminar. The actual dates for presentation will be announced during the semester in WueCampus and via e-mail.

The seminar participants must contact their supervisor in a timely and independent manner to discuss the topic with him or her. We attach great importance to a professional talk. This includes both the content and the way of presenting.

The participants have to familiarize themselves with their topic and prepare a didactically well-prepared talk of 20 to 25 minutes. The material is provided by the supervisor. He*she is available for questions. Further study of literature is often expected, depending on the topic. The written elaboration of the topic is compulsory according to the examination regulations.

Two weeks before the official presentation date, we request a rehearsal presentation to practice and improve the talk. This one is mandatory. Some supervisors have business trips and other appointments, so they are time-bound. Therefore, the appointment must be coordinated with the supervisor in advance. We expect the participants to prepare for the rehearsal presentation and practice their talk several times with fellow students beforehand. Any feedback from fellow students should be incorporated.

Participants who have not prepared an appropriate final presentation in time are moved to the next semester. Unfortunately, it is not possible to postpone the presentation dates at short notice. Being present at all presentations of the seminar is compulsory for all participants. The presence is monitored.