Deutsch Intern
Lehrstuhl für Informatik III

Redlarf (funded by Eurongi)


Research Project financed by

Redlarf Project Team


Ilkka Norros (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland),

Kurt Tutschku (University of Wuerzburg),

Marco Mellia (Politecnico di Torino)


Hannu Reittu,

Vesa Pehkonen,

Andreas Binzenhöfer,

Michela Meo,

Daniel Schlosser


BitTorrent introduced an extremely efficient peer-to-peer networking technique for distributing a very large file (say, gigabytes) to a very large number of recipients (scalability should extend to millions) by splitting it into relatively small chunks (say, thousand chunks) in such a way that the recipients forward their downloaded chunks to further recipients. This project studies fully distributed analogues on BitTorrent from several points of view: algorithm design, testing and analysis.

Main objectives:

  • Design and study, using analytical models, different mediation algorithms applicable in a file distribution system based on chunk transfer along random encounters. The objective is to maximize the file distribution performance in terms like throughput, delay and reliability.
  • Implement and test these algorithms in a working, experimental peer-to-peer content distribution system. Tests and performance measurements are made using partners' capabilities and, in particular, in the world-wide PlanetLab environment.
  • Analyse and test the reliability and stability performance of various overlay network alternatives of the system.


  • 20.11 - 22.11.2006 Meeting of partners from Würzburg and VTT in Helsinki
  • 13.06 - 15.06.2006 Meeting of all three partners in Torino
  • 07.05 - 13.05.2006 Visit of Vesa Pehkonen (VTT) to Würzburg
  • 22.02 - 24.02.2006 Kick-off Meeting in Würzburg


  • 22.11.2006, Helsinki: Andreas Binzenhöfer: REDLARF: Prototype Study in PlanetLab
  • 13.06.2006, Torino: Daniel Schlosser: Robust Cooperation Strategies for P2P Content Distribution Networks with Multiple Source Download
  • 13.06.2006, Torino: Andreas Binzenhöfer: The REDLARF PlanetLab Management Envrionment


  • Ilkka Norros, Vesa Pehkonen, Hannu Reittu, Andreas Binzenhöfer, Kurt Tutschku
    Relying on randomness - PlanetLab experiments based on random encounters
    3rd EURO-NGI Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI 2007),
    Trondheim, Norway, May 2007
  • Ilkka Norros, Balakrishna Prabhu, Hannu Reittu.
    Flash crowd in a file sharing system based on random encounters
    interperf '06, 2006
  • Daniel Schlosser, Tobias Hoßfeld, Kurt Tutschku.
    Comparison of Robust Cooperation Strategies for P2P Content Distribution Networks with Multiple Source Download.
    Technical Report No. 385, May 2006.

Related Work

  • E.W. Biersack, D. Carra, R. Lo Cigno, P. Rodriguez , P. Felber
    Overlay Architectures for File Distribution: Fundamental Performance Analysis for
    Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Cases
  • A. Legout, G. Urvoy-Keller, and P. Michiardi.
    Rarest First and Choke Algorithms Are Enough
  • L. Nussbaum, O. Richard
    Lightweight Emulation to Study Peer-to-Peer Systems 


  • Comparison of Robust Cooperation Strategies for P2P Content Distribution Networks with Multiple Source Download. Hoßfeld, Tobias. Sixth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P2006), Cambridge, UK, 2006, September 7.
  • Comparison of Robust Cooperation Strategies for P2P Content Distribution Networks with Multiple Source Download. Schlosser, Daniel; Hoßfeld, Tobias; Tutschku, Kurt. In Sixth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P2006). Cambridge, UK, 2006.
  • Comparison of Robust Cooperation Strategies for P2P Content Distribution Networks with Multiple Source Download. Technical Report (385), . Schlosser, Daniel; Hoßfeld, Tobias; Tutschku, Kurt. University of Wuerzburg, 2006.