Quality of Experience Monitoring and Analysis in Education-purpose Networks (EduQoE)

Partner | Plan Ceibal |
Researcher | |
External Researcher | Pedro Casas (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology) |
Project Description
Digitized and online education services need reliable and high quality access networks to avoid performance degradations, which impact the quality of the education. In this project, we team with Plan Ceibal to monitor and analyze the QoE in their networks, with the eventual goal of improving their services.
Plan Ceibal (https://www.ceibal.edu.uy/en/institucional) is a major K-12 ESP, which leads a nationwide one-to-one computing program in Uruguay. It was created in 2007 as a plan for inclusion and equal opportunities with the aim of supporting Uruguayan educational policies with technology. Since its implementation, every child who enters the public education system in any part of the country is given a computer for personal use with free Internet connection at school. In addition, Plan Ceibal provides programs, educational resources and teacher training courses that transform the ways of teaching and learning. Moreover, it is responsible for the technological support to the national K-12 education system, including Wi-Fi connectivity and videoconference infrastructure for all public schools, as well as access to educational platforms (e.g., digital library, learning management system, tutoring system).
In a first step, we implemented and deployed a passive web QoE monitoring system directly within the end-devices; through this monitoring system, we collected four months of continuous, nationwide measurements covering more than 800 education centers and about 4000 devices of both teachers and students. The analysis of the collected measurements provides a rich characterization of the browsing behavior in school networks compared to private access via fixed or mobile networks. In addition, key performance indicators (KPIs) of web browsing QoE were monitored, which allow to quantify the QoE of page visits. Finally, as a step towards modeling session QoE for web browsing, different aggregation approaches are investigated with respect to their correlations towards browsing behavior.