Dr. rer. nat. Frank Hübner-Szabo de Bucs
Sep 1989 - Feb 1994
Discrete-Time Performance Anaylsis of Finite Capacity Queueing Models for ATM Multiplexers
1995[ to top ]
Performance comparison of design alternatives for source policing devices in ATM systems. . In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, pp. pp. 132–139. Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A., 1995.
Performance analysis of source policing architectures in ATM systems, COST Technical Document, COST242TD(95)014. Technical Report (9514), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1995.
1994[ to top ]
Performance analysis of source policing architectures in ATM systems. Technical Report (81), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1994.
Discrete-time analysis of cell spacing in ATM systems. . In Telecommunications Systems, 3, pp. 379–395. 1994.
1993[ to top ]
Overview on literature dealing with multi-service systems, COST Technical Document, COST242TD(93)022. Technical Report (9322), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1993.
Performance of a finite-capacity asynchronous multiplexer with modulated input. . In Telecommunication systems: Modeling, Analysis, Design and Management, 1, pp. 263–278. 1993.
An analysis of trunk reservation and grade-of-service balancing mechanisms in multiservice broadband networks. . In IFIP-TC6 Workshop on Modelling and Performance Evaluation of ATM Technology. La Martinique, 1993.
Dimensioning of a peak cell rate monitor algorithm using discrete-time analysis. Technical Report (59), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1993.
Dimensioning of a peak cell rate monitor algorithm using discrete-time analysis, COST Technical Document, COST242TD(93)013. Technical Report (9313), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1993.
A discrete-time analysis of cell spacing in ATM systems, COST Technical Document, COST242TD(93)036. Technical Report (9336), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1993.
Autocorrelation and power density spectrum of ATM multiplexer output processes. . In Conference on Applied Probability in Engineering, Computer and Communication Sciences. Paris, France, 1993.
A dicrete-time analysis of cell spacing in ATM systems. Technical Report (66), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1993.
Discrete-Time Analysis of a Cyclic Service System with Gated Limited Service. Technical Report (67), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1993.
Blocking in multi-service broadband systems with CBR and VBR input traffic. . In Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen, B. Walke and O. Spaniol, editors, 7. ITG/GI-Fachtagung, pp. pp. 74–85. Aachen, Germany, 1993.
Discrete-Time Performance Anaylsis of Finite Capacity Queueing Models for ATM Multiplexers. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), . . PhD dissertation. University of Wuerzburg, 1993, December.
1992[ to top ]
An analysis of multi-service systems with trunk reservation mechanisms, COST Technical Document, COST242TD(92)019. Technical Report (9219), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1992.
Discrete-time analysis of the output process of an ATM multiplexer with periodic input, COST Technical Document, COST242TD(92)001. Technical Report (9201), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1992.
An analysis of multi-service systems with trunk reservation mechanisms. Technical Report (40), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1992.
Multi-service broadband systems with CBR and VBR input traffic. Technical Report (44), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1992.
Preliminary performance results of ATMR as generic flow control protocol, COST Technical Document, COST242TD(92)029. Technical Report (9229), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1992.
Autocorrelation and power density spectrum of ATM multiplexer output processes, COST Technical Document, COST242TD(92)038. Technical Report (9238), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1992.
Autocorrelation and power density spectrum of ATM multiplexer output processes. Technical Report (43), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1992.
Blocking in multi-service broadband systems with CBR and VBR input traffic, COST Technical Document, COST242TD(92)066. Technical Report (9266), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1992.
1991[ to top ]
Discrete-time analysis of the output process of an ATM multiplexer with periodic input. Technical Report (36), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1991.
Queueing analysis of resource dispatching and scheduling in multi-media systems. Technical Report (33), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1991.
Multi server batch service systems in push and pull operation mode. . In 11th European Congress on Operational Research. RWTH Aachen, 1991.
Multi server batch service systems in push and pull operating mode - a performance comparison. Technical Report (26), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1991.
Quasi-stationary analysis of a finite-capacity asynchronous multiplexer with modulated deterministic input. . In Proceedings of the 13th International Teletraffic Congress, ITC13. Kopenhagen, Dänemark, 1991.
Quasi-stationary analysis of a finite capacity asynchronous multiplexer with modulated deterministic input, COST Technical Document, COST242(91)007. Technical Report (9107), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1991.
1990[ to top ]
Analysis of a finite-capacity asynchronous multiplexer with deterministic traffic sources. . In 7th International Teletraffic Congress Specialist Seminar. Morristown, NJ, U.S.A., 1990.
Quasi-stationary analysis of a finite-capacity asynchronous multiplexer with modulated deterministic input. Technical Report (17), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1990.
Analysis of a finite capacity asynchronous multiplexer with periodic sources. Technical Report (14), . . University of Wuerzburg, 1990.