Deutsch Intern
Lehrstuhl für Informatik III

Dr. rer. nat. Michael Ritter



Oct 1993 - Feb 1998


Modeling of Flow Control Mechanisms for the Available Bit Rate Service


2007[ to top ]
  • Mechanismen zur Steuerung und Verwaltung von ATM-Netzen (Mechanisms for ATM network control and managment). Tran-Gia, Phuoc; Ritter, Michael. In Informatik Spektrum, 20, pp. 216–224. 2007.
1998[ to top ]
  • Modeling of Flow Control Mechanisms for the Available Bit Rate Service. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), . Ritter, Michael. PhD dissertation. University of Wuerzburg, 1998, January.
  • Discrete-Time Modeling of the Frame-Based Generic Cell Rate Algorithm. Technical Report (190), . Ritter, Michael. University of Wuerzburg, 1998.
1997[ to top ]
  • Carrying CDMA over ATM using AAL-2 - A Performance Study. Technical Report (188), . Gerlich, Notker; Ritter, Michael. University of Wuerzburg, 1997.
  • A Decomposition Approach for User-Network Interface Modeling in ATM Networks. Technical Report (169), . Ritter, Michael. University of Wuerzburg, 1997.
  • Analysis of a Queueing Model with Delayed Feedback and its Application to the ABR Flow Control. Technical Report (164), . Ritter, Michael. University of Wuerzburg, 1997.
  • The effect of bottleneck service rate variations on the performance of the ABR flow control. Ritter, Michael. In IEEE INFOCOM ’97, pp. 816–823. Kobe, Japan, 1997.
  • Congestion detection methods and their impact on the performance of the ABR flow control. Ritter, Michael. In 15th International Teletraffic Congress, pp. 1107–1118. Washington, D.C., USA, 1997.
1996[ to top ]
  • Analysis of feedback-oriented congestion control mechanisms for ABR services. Ritter, Michael. In ITC Specialists Seminar ’96, pp. pp. 291–308. Lund, Sweden, 1996.
  • Determination of traffic descriptors for VPs carrying delay-sensitive traffic. Ritter, Michael; Garcia, Jorge. In Proceedings of Broadband Communications ’96, pp. 3–1. Montreal, QB, Canada, 1996.
  • Network buffer requirements of the rate-based control mechanism for ABR services. Ritter, Michael. In Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM 96, pp. pp. 1190–1197. San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., 1996.
1995[ to top ]
  • Performance analysis of the dual cell spacer in ATM systems, COST Technical Document, COST242TD(95)015. Technical Report (9515), . Ritter, Michael. University of Wuerzburg, 1995.
  • Performance analysis of source policing architectures in ATM systems, COST Technical Document, COST242TD(95)014. Technical Report (9514), . Ritter, Michael; Kornprobst, Stefan; Hübner, Frank. University of Wuerzburg, 1995.
  • Steady-State Analysis of the Rate-Based Congestions Control Mechanism for ABR Services in ATM Networks. Technical Report (114), . Ritter, Michael. University of Wuerzburg, 1995.
  • A new approach for the dimensioning of policing functions for MPEG-video sources in ATM-systems. Technical Report (97), . Ritter, Michael; Rose, Oliver. University of Wuerzburg, 1995.
  • Performance analysis of the dual cell spacer in ATM systems. Ritter, Michael. In Proceedings of the IFIP 6th International Conference on High Performance Networking, pp. pp. 345–362. Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1995.
  • Performance comparison of design alternatives for source policing devices in ATM systems. Ritter, Michael; Hübner, Frank; Kornprobst, Stefan. In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, pp. pp. 132–139. Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A., 1995.
1994[ to top ]
  • MPEG-video sources in ATM-systems - a new approach for the dimensioning of policing functions. Rose, Oliver; Ritter, Michael. In International Conference on Local and Metropolitan Communication Systems, T. Hasegawa, G. Pujolle, H. Takagi and Y. Takahashi, editors, pp. pp. 99–117. Kyoto, Japan, 1994.
  • Performance of a cell rate monitoring mechanisms in ATM systems. Ritter, Michael; Tran-Gia, Phuoc. In International Conference on Local and Metropolitan Communication Systems, T. Hasegawa, G. Pujolle, H. Takagi and Y. Takahashi, editors, pp. pp. 119–139. Kyoto, Japan, 1994.
  • Performance analysis of the dual cell spacer in ATM systems. Technical Report (95), . Ritter, Michael. University of Wuerzburg, 1994.
  • Multi-rate models for dimensioning and performance evaluation of ATM networks. Tran-Gia, Phuoc; Ritter, Michael. In Interim report, Cooperation in the Field of Science and Technical Research COST 242. 1994.
  • Performance analysis of source policing architectures in ATM systems. Technical Report (81), . Ritter, Michael; Hübner, Frank; Kornprobst, Stefan. University of Wuerzburg, 1994.
  • Analysis of the generic cell rate algorithm monitoring on/off-traffic. Technical Report (77), . Ritter, Michael. University of Wuerzburg, 1994.
1993[ to top ]
  • Blocking in multi-service broadband systems with CBR and VBR input traffic. Hübner, Frank; Ritter, Michael. In Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen, B. Walke and O. Spaniol, editors, 7. ITG/GI-Fachtagung, pp. pp. 74–85. Aachen, Germany, 1993.
  • Multi bit-rate models used in the dimensioning of ATM networks, COST Technical Document, COST242TD(93)041. Technical Report (9341), . Ritter, Michael. University of Wuerzburg, 1993.
1992[ to top ]
  • Blocking in multi-service broadband systems with CBR and VBR input traffic, COST Technical Document, COST242TD(92)066. Technical Report (9266), . Ritter, Michael; Hübner, Frank. University of Wuerzburg, 1992.
  • Multi-service broadband systems with CBR and VBR input traffic. Technical Report (44), . Hübner, Frank; Ritter, Michael. University of Wuerzburg, 1992.