Deutsch Intern
Lehrstuhl für Informatik III


Telefon (0931) 31-88233
Telefax (0931) 31-86632
Raum A208


Lehrstuhl für Informatik III
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg

Contents: Publications | Teaching | Projects 

Current Projects

  • ATS Performance (Siemens AG)
    This project examines the performance characteristics of IEEE 802.1Q Transmission Selection Algorithms for time-critical traffic.

  • KIKDIN (Siemens AG)

    This project examines the usage of AI methods for the parametrization of convergent, deterministic, industrial networks.

  • SENDATE-PLANETS (funded by BMBF)
    SENDATE-PLANETS addresses the challenges of a secure distributed cloud architecture by means of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN).