Deutsch Intern
Lehrstuhl für Informatik III


Telefon (0931) 31-88150
Telefax (0931) 31-86632
Raum A213a
Anschrift Lehrstuhl für Informatik III
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg

Current Projects

  • WebQKAI (AI-based approaches to identify Web QoE key performance indicators in the network, funded by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology)
  • KIKDIN (Usage of AI methods for the parametrization of convergent, deterministic, industrial networks, funded by Siemens Predevelopment Nürnberg)
  • EduQoE (Quality of Experience Monitoring and Analysis in Education-purpose Networks, collaboration with Plan Ceibal)


Projects at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (2018-2019)

I worked as a scientist at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology in the Digital Insight Lab at the Center for Digital Safety & Security for six months and afterwards at the Center for Technology Experience for one year as research engineer. I was involved in the following projects:

  • QoEStream Live (Large-scale Cross-Platform QoE Monitoring for Live and VoD Streaming, funded by an industry partner)
  • Sim4Blocks (funded by European Commission H2020)
  • P2PQ (Peer2Peer im Quartier, funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG))
  • Big-DAMA (Big Data Analytics for Network Traffic Monitoring and Analytics, funded by Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF))
  • ViCrypt (Video Quality Metrics Analysis for (non)Encrypted Video Traffic, funded by an industry partner)