Deutsch Intern
    Data Science Chair

    News - Data Science Chair

    Our paper "Improving Sentiment Analysis with Biofeedback Data" was recently published.

    In this cooperative work between the Data Science chair and the chair of Human-Computer-Interaction, we present an approach of incorporating biofeedback features derived from heart rate and brain waves signals. The biofeedback data was recorded from “Humans-in-the-Loop” to improve machine learning models on the tasks of sentiment analysis and sentiment detection.


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    Our paper “Emote-Controlled: Obtaining Implicit Viewer Feedback through Emote based Sentiment Analysis on Comments of Popular Channels” will soon be published in ACM Transactions on Social Computing Special Issue on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media.

    BigData@Geo Logo

    Die Rundschau berichtet am 22.02. über das BigData@Geo Project und besuchte dafür auch die Arbeitsgruppe an der Uni Würzburg. Zu sehen ist der Beitrag in der Mediathek des BR.
