Deutsch Intern
    Data Science Chair

    News - Data Science Chair

    Der erste Neubau für das Forschungszentrum „Künstliche Intelligenz und Data Science“ CAIDAS der Uni Würzburg ist in Sicht. Der Freistaat Bayern hat dafür grünes Licht gegeben und stellt Mittel bereit.


    Our group and Heiko Paeth's group developed a novel machine learning model to improve climate model precipitation estimates which we will present at the European Geosciences Union's (EGU's) General Assembly 2021 in a PICO presentation.


    Our Music & AI Project was presented within the section "Mozart & KI" at Wuerzburg Web Week.

    This teaching project wants to explore the ability of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to understand the fundamental creative ideas of music and composition and is part of the Mozartfest initiative Mozart & KI.

