Deutsch Intern
Games Engineering

Swarm Grammar Plant Models


In this project, an existing, data-oriented implementation of SG-based root growth of plants is extended towards growth above the surface, i.e. including the stem, leaves and flowers.



Swarm Grammars (SGs) are an agent-based approach to generating complex geometric structures considering spatiotemporal constraints and deploying numerous agent abilities inspired by biological organisms, e.g. near-field sensing, migration, reproduction,and differentiation, that are held together by reactive behaviour definitions. In this project, an existing, data-oriented implementation of SG-based root growth of plants is extended towards growth above the surface, i.e. including the stem, leaves and flowers.


Identify model plant specimen, aggregate (mathematical) model information about their (biological) behaviour, flesh out an according SG system, and expand Marc Mußmann's root growth code base accordingly. Validate your results by means of well-established data about the chosen model organisms.


[1] Mußmann, Marc, Daniel Nicolas Hofstadler, and Sebastian von Mammen. "An Agent-based, Interactive Simulation Model of Root Growth." Artificial Life Conference Proceedings 36. Vol. 2024. No. 1. One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209, USA journals-info@ mit. edu: MIT Press, 2024.

[2] von Mammen, Sebastian, and Christian Jacob. "Genetic swarm grammar programming: Ecological breeding like a gardener." 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. IEEE, 2007.

[3] von Mammen, Sebastian, et al. "Interactive simulations of biohybrid systems." Frontiers in Robotics and AI 4 (2017): 50.


Prof. Dr. Sebastian von Mammen

Sarah Hofmann, M.Sc.