Jonatha Krebs, M.Sc.

University of Würzburg
Chair of Artificial Intelligence
and Knowledge Systems
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg
Room: B007
Phone: +49 931 / 31 - 89648
Fax: +49 931 / 31 - 86732
About Me
I am working at the Department for Artificial Intelligence and Applied Computer Science since the beginning of 2015. While working at the PaDaWaN/misbased project, I finished my master's degree in computer science in autumn 2016.
Research Interests
My research interests include:
- machine learning
- textmining
- natural language processing
- ontology learning
- knowledge-based systems
- software development
... especially in the domain of medical text documents, but also in every other possible domain.
Private Interests
In my spare time I am playing keyboards and drums in several bands and orchestras and I am very interested in music from all epochs and styles in general. Further interests include books, films and tv shows, fotography, dancing, pc and board games, ...
WS 18/19 | Natural Language Processing and Textmining (Coordinator for exercises) |
SS 18 | Medical Informatics(Coordinator for exercises) |
WS 17/18 | Natural Language Processing and Textmining (Coordinator for exercises) |
SS 17 | Software engineering (Coordinator for exercises) |
regularly | Supervision of seminar papers, groups in the software practical course and final theses. |
Exploration of Artificial Intelligence Use with ARIES in Multiple Myeloma Research. . In Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8(7), S. 999. MDPI AG, 2019.
Detection of Scenes in Fiction. . In Proceedings of Digital Humanities 2019. 2019.
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Replicating medication trend studies using ad hoc information extraction in a clinical data warehouse. . In BMC Med. Inf. & Decision Making, 19(1), S. 15:1–15:21. 2019.
Query Translation between AQL and CQL. . 2019.
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Identifying Heart Failure Patients by Medical Text Classification. . In EFMI-STC, Bd. 258 von Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, A. S. Shvo, I. Madsen, H.-U. Prokosch, K. Häyrinen, K.-H. Wolf, F. Martín-Sánchez, M. Löbe, T. M. Deserno (Hrsg.), S. 251–252. IOS Press, 2019.
Implementation of a HL7 CQL engine using the graph database Neo4J. . 2019.
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Estimating a Bias in ICD Encodings for Billing Purposes. . In MIE, Bd. 247 von Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, A. Ugon, D. Karlsson, G. O. Klein, A. Moen (Hrsg.), S. 141–145. IOS Press, 2018.
Exporting Data from a Clinical Data Warehouse. . In eHealth, Bd. 248 von Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, G. Schreier, D. Hayn (Hrsg.), S. 88–93. IOS Press, 2018.
Finding Needles in the Haystack: Identifying Patients with Rare Subtype of Multiple Myeloma Supported by a Data Warehouse and Information Extraction. . In GMDS, Bd. 253 von Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, U. Hübner, U. Sax, H.-U. Prokosch, B. Breil, H. Binder, A. Zapf, B. Strahwald, T. Beißbarth, N. Grabe, A. Schöler (Hrsg.), S. 160–164. IOS Press, 2018.
Ad Hoc Information Extraction for Clinical Data Warehouses. . In Methods of Information in Medicine. 2018.
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A Customizable Importer for the Clinical Data Warehouses PaDaWaN and I2B2. . In GMDS, Bd. 243 von Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, R. Röhrig, A. Timmer, H. Binder, U. Sax (Hrsg.), S. 90–94. IOS Press, 2017.
Semi-Automatic Terminology Generation for Information Extraction from German Chest X-Ray Reports. . In GMDS, Bd. 243 von Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, R. Röhrig, A. Timmer, H. Binder, U. Sax (Hrsg.), S. 80–84. IOS Press, 2017.
Extending the Query Language of a Data Warehouse for Patient Recruitment. . In GMDS, Bd. 243 von Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, R. Röhrig, A. Timmer, H. Binder, U. Sax (Hrsg.), S. 152–156. IOS Press, 2017.
Anonymisierung, Segmentierung und Terminologie-Entwicklung zur Informationsextraktion aus unstrukturierten, telegrammartigen, medizinischen Dokumenten. . 2016.
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An improved data workflow for a medical data warehouse. . In European Journal of Epidemiology; Health—exploring complexity: an interdisciplinary systems approach HEC2016, 31, Supplement 1, S. 54. 2016.
Web-PaDaWaN: Eine Web-basierte Benutzeroberfläche für ein klinisches Data Warehouse. . 2016.
Implementierung einer HTML5-Applikation mit Offline-Fähigkeit zur Erstellung von Graphen für den Einsatz im CaseTrain-Projekt. . 2013.
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