Deutsch Intern
    Chair of Computer Science VI - Artificial Intelligence and Applied Computer Science

    Wick, Christoph

    Dr. Christoph Wick

    University of Würzburg
    Department for Artificial Intelligence
    and Applied Computer Science
    Am Hubland
    D-97074 Würzburg 

    Room:  B015
    Phone: +49 931 / 31 - 82067

    PGP-Key: 8E431938 (4A54 9836 DC22 EDDA ED80 992F AE8E FF7A 8E43 1938)



    • OCR4all - An Open-Source Tool Providing a (Semi-)Automatic OCR Workflow for Historical Printings. Reul, Christian; Christ, Dennis; Hartelt, Alexander; Balbach, Nico; Wehner, Maximilian; Springmann, Uwe; Wick, Christoph; Grundig, Christine; Büttner, Andreas; Puppe, Frank. In ArXiv Preprints (submitted to MDPI - Applied Sciences). 2019.
    • Staff, Symbol and Melody ...
      Staff, Symbol and Melody Detection of Medieval Manuscripts Written in Square Notation Using Deep Fully Convolutional Networks. Wick, Christoph; Hartelt, Alexander; Puppe, Frank. In Applied Sciences, 9(13). 2019.
    • {OMMR}4all — a {Semiautomatic} {Online} {Editor} for {Medieval} {Music} {Notations}. Wick, Christoph; Puppe, Frank. In 2nd {International} {Workshop} on {Reading} {Music} {Systems}, J. Calvo-Zaragoza, A. Pacha (eds.), pp. 31–34. Delft, The Netherlands, 2019.
    • Automatic Semantic Text Tagging on Historical Lexica by Combining OCR and Typography Classification. Reul, Christian; Göttel, Sebastian; Springmann, Uwe; Wick, Christoph; Würzner, Kay-Michael; Puppe, Frank. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage. 2019.
    • State of the Art Optical Character Recognition of 19th Century Fraktur Scripts using Open Source Engines. Reul, Christian; Springmann, Uwe; Wick, Christoph; Puppe, Frank. In DHd 2019 Digital Humanities: multimedial & multimodal. 2019.
    • Comparison of OCR Accurac...
      Comparison of OCR Accuracy on Early Printed Books using the Open Source Engines Calamari and OCRopus. Wick, Christoph; Reul, Christian; Puppe, Frank. In Vol. 33, pp. 79–96. 2018.
    • Improving OCR Accuracy on...
      Improving OCR Accuracy on Early Printed Books by combining Pretraining, Voting, and Active Learning. Reul, Christian; Springmann, Uwe; Wick, Christoph; Puppe, Frank. In JLCL, 33(1), pp. 3–24. 2018.
    • Improving OCR Accuracy on Early Printed Books by utilizing Cross Fold Training and Voting. Reul, Christian; Springmann, Uwe; Wick, Christoph; Puppe, Frank. 2017.
    • Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Page Segmentation of Historical Document Images. Wick, Christoph; Puppe, Frank. 2017.
    • Playing Music in Just Int...
      Playing Music in Just Intonation - A Dynamically Adapting Tuning Scheme. Stange, Karolin; Wick, Christoph; Hinrichsen, Haye. 2017.
    • Leaf Identification Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Wick, Christoph; Puppe, Frank. 2017.
    • Transfer Learning for OCRopus Model Training on Early Printed Books. Reul, Christian; Wick, Christoph; Springmann, Uwe; Puppe, Frank. 2017.
    • Deep Learning. Wick, Christoph. In Informatik-Spektrum, pp. 1–5. 2016.
    • Entanglement formation un...
      Entanglement formation under random interactions. Wick, Christoph; Um, Jaegon; Hinrichsen, Haye. 2015.


    • Seminar "Aktuelle Trends der künstlichen Intelligenz" - "Deep Learning" (winter term 2015/2016)
    • Künstliche Intelligenz 2 (winter term 2015/2016)
    • Seminar "Aktuelle Trends der künstlichen Intelligenz" - Wissensmodellierung (summer term 2016)
    • Softwaretechnik (summer term 2016)