Dr. Kirill Djebko

University of Würzburg
Department for Artificial Intelligence
and Knowledge Systems
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg
Room: BH015
Phone: +49 931 / 31 - 86405
Email: kirill.djebko@uni-wuerzburg.de
Kirill Djebko has been working at the University of Würzburg since 2015 and received his PhD in 2020. Since 2019 he has been wokring on the KINERGY-Project.
Research Interests
Research Interests include but are not limited to: Metaheuristics in simulation with an emphasis on genetic algorithms, optimization and regression algorithms.
Kirill Djebko is currently involved in the simulation component of the KINERGY project, which goal it is to optimize heating systems. These optimizations are to be done by first building a digital model of a real heating system with parameters corresponding to adjustable settings and internal parameters, then calibrating the internal parameters of the model with measured data from the real system, while keeping the adjustable settings parameters fixed, and finally using the calibrated model to calculate behavioral changes when modifiying the settings parameters while keeping the internal parameters fixed. The modified values for the settings parameters are supplied by a Decision Support System (DSS), which is an additional component beeing developed as part of the KINERGY project. The DSS in turn receives the health status of the real heating system from a third component, Deadalus, a web agent, that analyzes measured data and periodically invokes the DSS in order to either detect malfunctions or to check for a possible improvement, both of which result in possible changes of the settings parameters. These settings parameters are then passed to the simulation component, a simulation is performed and the resulting simulated data is analyzed wether it yields an improvement. In a later step the improved settings parameters are to be applied to the physical heating system to evaluate its real world effect.
[Translate to Englisch:] Publications
Model-Based Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Spacecraft with an Application for the {SONATE} Triple Cube Nano-Satellite. . In Aerospace, 6(10), bl 105. {MDPI} {AG}, 2019.
Next Level Autonomous Nanosatellite Operations. . In 2018 {SpaceOps} Conference. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018.
A model-based fault detection and root cause identification system for increased autonomy of small satellites. . International Academy of Astronatics, 2017.
SONATE - A Nanosatellite for Autonomy. . International Astronautical Federation, 2017.
autonomous mission operation onboard nano-satellite sonate. . International Astronautical Federation, 2017.
ADIA-L: Implementation and Integration of a Model-Based Autonomous Diagnostic System as Payload for the Nanosatellite Mission SONATE. . International Astronautical Federation, 2017.
A concept for a nanosatellite mission to demonstrate autonomous system technologies. . The International Academy of Astronautics, 2017.
{SONATE} - A Nano Satellite for the In-Orbit Verification of Autonomous Detection, Planning and Diagnosis Technologies. . In {AIAA} {SPACE} 2016. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2016.
ADIA++: An Autonomous Onboard Diagnostic System for Nanosatellites. . In {AIAA} {SPACE} 2016. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2016.
SONATE Nanosatelliten-Mission zur Erprobung von hochautonomen Nutzlasten. . Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 2016.