Deutsch Intern
  • none
Computer Science XI - Modeling and Simulation


Winter Term

Modeling and Simulation

  • German title: Modellbildung und Simulation
  • Target: Bachelor Computer Science and Sustainability
  • Module number: 140228
  • Language: German

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Summer Term

Energy informatics

  • German title: Energieinformatik
  • Target:
    • Master Computer Science
    • Master Mathematics
    • Master Computational Mathematics
  • Module number: 141354
  • Language: English / German

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Sustainability concepts and evaluation

  • German title: Nachhaltigkeitskonzepte und Bewertung
  • Target: Bachelor Computer Science and Sustainability
  • Module number: 140227
  • Language: German

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Each Semester

Seminar on Computer Science and Sustainability

  • German title: Seminar Informatik und Nachhaltigkeit
  • Target:
    • Bachelor Computer Science and Sustainability
    • Bachelor Computer Science
    • Bachelor Business Informatics
  • Language: German

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