The German Aerospace Society awarded the prestigious Eugen-Sänger-Medal to Professor Klaus Schilling for his outstanding achievements in the development of small satellites.
The German Aerospace Society awarded the prestigious Eugen-Sänger-Medal to Professor Klaus Schilling for his outstanding achievements in the development of small satellites.
We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Ingo Scholtes as holder of the chair Machine Learning for Complex Networks (Computer Science XV).
Before coming to Würzburg, Ingo Scholtes worked in Wuppertal, Zurich, and Karlsruhe, among other places. Currently he is also SNSF Professor of the Data Analytics Group (DAG) at the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Zurich.
moreZum Wintersemester startet die Uni Würzburg den Bachelorstudiengang „Informatik und Nachhaltigkeit“. Für Interessierte fand am 8. September 2021 eine Info-Veranstaltung statt.
moreErfolg beim DLR-Wettbewerb INNOspace-Masters: Alexander Hilgarth und Sergio Montenegro freuen sich über den zweiten Platz der Challenge der Deutschen Raumfahrtagentur im DLR.