AI competence at the workplace
How should artificial intelligence applications be designed in the work context to best meet the needs of employees? A new research project is asking this question.
moreHow should artificial intelligence applications be designed in the work context to best meet the needs of employees? A new research project is asking this question.
moreHow do you introduce students to data science with artificial intelligence? This was tested in the interdisciplinary teaching project DataSphere@JMUW - with very good success.
moreFlexible production chains and networked robots: Communication plays a central role in modern factories. Computer scientists at the University of Würzburg are developing new systems to ensure that this functions smoothly.
moreWe warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Günther Waxenegger-Wilfing as University Professor for Digital methods in the modeling and control of space propulsion at the Chair of Computer Science VII.
moreAndré Bauer, group leader of the Software Engineering for Applied Data Analytics Group at the Chair of Computer Science II, receives the SPEC Kaivalya Dixit Distinguished Dissertation Award.